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- Wolters, Albert M. Septuagint Commentary Series: Proverbs Brill, 2020
- Grimsrud, Ted To Follow the Lamb: A Peaceable Reading of the Book of Revelation Cascade Books, 2022
- Lancaster, D. Thomas Grafted In: Israel, Gentiles, and the Mystery of the Gospel First Fruits of Zion, 2003
- Nickelsburg, George W. E. A Commentary on the Book of 1 Enoch Chapters 1-36, 81-108 Fortress Press, 2001
- Stuckenbruck, Loren T. The Myth of Rebellious Angels: Studies in Second Temple Judaism and New Testament Texts Mohr Siebeck, 2014
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- Samaritan - Septuagint
- Samaritan - Dead Sea Scrolls
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- Septuagint - Deuterocanon
- Septuagint - Pseudepigrapha
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- Septuagint - New Testament
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- Dead Sea Scrolls - Deuterocanon
- Dead Sea Scrolls - Pseudepigrapha
- Dead Sea Scrolls - Classical
- Dead Sea Scrolls - New Testament
- Dead Sea Scrolls - Rabbinic
- Deuterocanon - Pseudepigrapha
- Deuterocanon - Classical
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- Targum - Rabbinic
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