Comparing: Pseudepigrapha / Rabbinic
- 1 Enoch
- 1 Enoch 5:6 / Avot D'Rabbi Natan 32
- 1 Enoch 5:6 / Sanhedrin 108a
- 1 Enoch 6:2 / Legends of the Jews 3
- 1 Enoch 6:2 / Pirkei DeRabbi Eliezer 22:4
- 1 Enoch 8:1 / Pirkei DeRabbi Eliezer 22:4
- 1 Enoch 8:1 / Legends of the Jews 3
- 1 Enoch 10:9 / Yoma 67b
- 1 Enoch 17:4 / Bava Batra 84a
- 1 Enoch 54:8 / Jerusalem Berakhot 9:2
- 1 Enoch 72:5 / Pirkei DeRabbi Eliezer 6
- 2 Enoch
- 2 Enoch 25:3 / Chagigah 12a
- 2 Enoch 30:10 / Genesis Rabbah 1:1
- Jubilees
- Jubilees 1:1 / Berakhot 5a
- Jubilees 4:30 / Pesikta Rabbati 40
- Jubilees 5:2 / Tanchuma Noach 12
- Jubilees 6:36 / Mishnah Rosh Hashanah 1:4
- Jubilees 7:20 / Genesis Rabbah 33:5
- Jubilees 10:26 / Tanchuma Noach 18
- Jubilees 12:26 / Genesis Rabbah 18:4
- Jubilees 13:11 / Genesis 12:4 / Genesis 16:3 / Genesis Rabbah 41:1
- Jubilees 14:18 / Genesis 15:19 / Genesis Rabbah 44:23
- Jubilees 17:16 / Sanhedrin 89b
- Jubilees 17:16 / Sanhedrin 89b
- Jubilees 17:16 / Genesis 22:1 / Sanhedrin 89b
- Jubilees 17:16 / Genesis 22:1 / Genesis Rabbah 55:4
- Jubilees 17:17 / Pirkei Avot 5:3
- Jubilees 19:8 / Pirkei Avot 5:3
- Jubilees 19:14 / Genesis 25:27 / Genesis Rabbah 63:11
- Jubilees 48:14 / Wisdom of Solomon 18:5 / Sotah 11a
- Psalms of Solomon
- Psalms of Solomon 5:9 / Genesis Rabbah 76
- Psalms of Solomon 5:9 / Mishnah Kiddushin 4
- 4 Ezra
- 4 Ezra 3:14 / Genesis Rabbah 44:21
- 4 Ezra 6:40 / Chagigah 12a
- 4 Ezra 9:31 / Sifre Deuteronomy 345
- Apocalypse of Abraham
- Apocalypse of Abraham 9:6 / Genesis Rabbah 44:21
- Apocalypse of Abraham 14:6 / Yoma 67b
- Testament of Solomon
- Testament of Solomon 1 / Gittin 68a
- Sibylline Oracles
- Sibylline Oracles 1:37 / Genesis Rabbah 40:5
- Letter of Aristeas / Megillah 9a
- Protoevangelium of James
- Protoevangelium of James 7 / Mishnah Niddah 5.4
- Protoevangelium of James 8 / Mishnah Niddah 5:7