Comparing: New Testament / Targum
- Matthew
- Matthew 2:4 / Jonathan Micah 5:1
- Matthew 2:13 / Pseudo Jonathan Exodus 1:15
- Matthew 5:6 / Jonathan Isaiah 32:6
- Matthew 5:12 / Jonathan Isaiah 28:11
- Matthew 5:22 / Neofiti Genesis 9:6
- Matthew 5:48 / Pseudo Jonathan Leviticus 22:28
- Matthew 6:9 / Neofiti Exodus 1:19
- Matthew 6:20 / Neofiti Genesis 15:1
- Matthew 6:24 / Onkelos Exodus 18:21
- Matthew 7:2 / Jerusalem Genesis 38:26
- Matthew 7:2 / Jonathan Isaiah 27:8
- Matthew 7:2 / Neofiti Numbers 12:16
- Matthew 7:2 / Pseudo Jonathan Numbers 12:17
- Matthew 7:12 / Pseudo Jonathan Leviticus 19:18
- Matthew 13:17 / Jonathan Numbers 24:15
- Matthew 15:27 / Neofiti Exodus 22:30
- Matthew 21:33 / Jonathan Isaiah 5:5
- Matthew 21:42 / Psalm 118:22 / Targum Psalm 118:22
- Matthew 25:34 / Genesis 2:8 / 2 Enoch 9:1 / Pseudo Jonathan Genesis 2:8
- Matthew 26:52 / Jonathan Isaiah 50:11
- Mark
- Mark 1:11 / Jonathan Isaiah 43:10
- Mark 4:11 / Jonathan Isaiah 6:9
- Mark 11:2 / Onkelos Genesis 49:10
- Mark 11:9 / Targum Psalm 118:22
- Luke
- Luke 2:14 / Jonathan Isaiah 6:3
- Luke 6:36 / Pseudo Jonathan Leviticus 22:28
- Luke 10:19 / Targum Psalm 91:13
- Luke 10:28 / Onkelos Leviticus 18:5
- Luke 11:27 / Neofiti Genesis 49:25
- Luke 16:9 / Jonathan Isaiah 33:15
- Luke 22:31 / Deuteronomy 33:8 / Neofiti Deuteronomy 33:8
- John
- John 1:1 / Neofiti Genesis 1:1
- John 1:9 / Pseudo Jonathan Genesis 1:3
- John 2:19 / Isaiah 53:5 / Jonathan Isaiah 53:5
- John 6:45 / Jonathan Isaiah 55:1
- John 8:28 / Neofiti Exodus 29:46
- John 8:56 / Jonathan Isaiah 43:12
- John 12:28 / Pseudo Jonathan Deuteronomy 34:5
- John 12:37 / Neofiti Numbers 14:11
- John 12:41 / Isaiah 6:1 / Jonathan Isaiah 6:1
- John 19:34 / Pseudo Jonathan Numbers 20:8
- Acts
- Acts 7:10 / Pseudo Jonathan Genesis 41:43
- Romans
- Romans 2:4 / Jonathan Habakkuk 3:2
- Romans 2:4 / Neofiti Genesis 6:3
- Romans 4:20 / Onkelos Genesis 17:17
- Romans 4:20 / Neofiti Genesis 22:14
- 1 Corinthians
- 1 Corinthians 1:20 / Isaiah 3:2 / Jonathan Isaiah 3:2
- 1 Corinthians 10:7 / Neofiti Exodus 32:6
- 1 Corinthians 10:9 / Pseudo Jonathan Numbers 21:5
- 1 Corinthians 15:4 / Hosea 6:2 / Jonathan Hosea 6:2
- 1 Corinthians 15 / Neofiti Genesis 3:22
- 1 Corinthians 15:47 / Targum Psalm 49:3
- 1 Corinthians 15:52 / Pseudo Jonathan Exodus 20:19
- Galatians
- Galatians 3:13 / Targum Ruth 1:17
- Galatians 4:29 / Pseudo Jonathan Genesis 21:9
- Ephesians
- Ephesians 4:8 / Targum Psalm 68:19
- 1 Thessalonians
- 1 Thessalonians 4:16 / Pseudo Jonathan Exodus 20:19
- 1 Timothy
- 1 Timothy 1:17 / Jonathan Isaiah 30:33
- 1 Timothy 2:9 / Jonathan Isaiah 3:16
- 2 Timothy
- 2 Timothy 3:8 / Pseudo Jonathan Exodus 1:15
- 1 Peter
- 1 Peter 3:3 / Jonathan Isaiah 3:16
- 2 Peter
- 2 Peter 3:9 / Jonathan Isaiah 26:10
- 1 John
- 1 John 2:1 / Jonathan Isaiah 43:5
- 1 John 2:12 / Jonathan Isaiah 43:25
- 1 John 2:13 / Jonathan Isaiah 43:10
- 3 John
- 3 John 1:7 / Jonathan Isaiah 48:11
- Revelation
- Revelation 1:4 / Pseudo Jonathan Exodus 3:14
- Revelation 2:11 / Pseudo Jonathan Deuteronomy 33:6
- Revelation 2:11 / Jonathan Jeremiah 51:39
- Revelation 2:11 / Jonathan Isaiah 22:14
- Revelation 2:11 / Targum Psalm 49:11
- Revelation 2:11 / Jonathan Isaiah 65:6
- Revelation 2:11 / Isaiah 65:15 / Jonathan Isaiah 65:15
- Revelation 2:17 / Pseudo Jonathn Exodus 16:4
- Revelation 19:13 / Jonathan Isaiah 59:19
- Revelation 19:13 / Neofiti Genesis 49:11
The Targums and the New Testament
While Hellenistic influence can by no means be excluded a priori, its importance should not be exaggerated. It may well be that what at first sight appears Greek may on more detailed analysis be shown as typically Jewish. And in point of fact such has often been the case, at least as far as the immediate source of the concepts in question go. In some cases there may be a remote Greek influence, in so far as Judaism had already assimi lated a number of Greek ideas. It is natural, in any event, that we should ex plore Judaism to the full to see what light it has to shed on the New Testament. It is the most likely source for immediate influence on the New Testament writers, and so far it has proved by far the richest source for New Testament parallels.
It is not sufficient, however, to say that parallels to New Testament texts, to passages from the Gospels in particular, are to be sought in Judaism rather than in Hellenism. Judaism in the New Testament period had a variety of currents within it. One must also seek to determine to what particular form of Judaism the New Testament writings are most closely related, to see which form has influenced these writings the most. This approach will have a bearing not merely on the interpretation of in dividual texts but on our overall view of the New Testament and its relation to the Jewish religion. Before this can be done, however, the relation of the New Testament to the individual forms of Jewish religion must first be considered.