1 Enoch 8:1


1 And Azâzal taught men to make swords, knives, shields, and breastplates, and revealed to them the metals of the earth and how to work with them, as well as how to make bracelets, ornaments, and the use antimony, beautifying the eyelids, along with all kinds of precious stones and various dyes. 2 Widespread wickedness arose, and they engaged in fornication, were led astray, and corrupted all their ways. Semjâzâ taught spells and the cutting of roots, Armârôs taught how to break spells, Barâqîjâl taught astrology, Kôkabîal taught about the constellations, Ezêqêal taught about the clouds, Araqiêal taught the signs of the earth, Shamsiêal taught the signs of the sun, and Sariêal taught the course of the moon. And as men died, they cried out, and their cries ascended to heaven.

Legends of the Jews 3


Then the earth complained about the impious evil-doers. But the fallen angels continued to corrupt mankind. Azazel taught men how to make slaughtering knives, arms, shields, and coats of mail. He showed them metals and how to work them, and armlets and all sorts of trinkets, and the use of rouge for the eyes, and how to beautify the eyelids, and how to ornament themselves with the rarest and most precious jewels and all sorts of paints. The chief of the fallen angels, Shemhazai, instructed them in exorcisms and how to cut roots; Armaros taught them how to raise spells; Barakel, divination from the stars; Kawkabel, astrology; Ezekeel, augury from the clouds; Arakiel, the signs of the earth; Samsaweel, the signs of the sun; and Seriel, the signs of the moon. While all these abominations defiled the earth, the pious Enoch lived in a secret place. None among men knew his abode, or what had become of him, for he was sojourning with the angel watchers and holy ones.

 Notes and References

"... In the second version of the teaching tradition, Asael teaches the arts of civilization that lead people into sin. According to one of the Greek manuscripts of the Book of the Watchers, this form of instruction leads to women’s seduction of the angels. The translation of Syncellus implies that the women who learned the arts of beautification from Asael then turned around and seduced the other angels: 'And the sons of men made for themselves and for their daughters, and they transgressed and they led astray the holy ones.' In this case, when the women learned to adorn themselves with jewelry, precious stones, colored clothing, and makeup, they tempted the angels to sin with them. They are not innocent, as in the Shemi˙azah version, but share guilt with the angels for the downfall of humanity. The prophetic image of the foreign seductive woman who engages in witchcraft may have been a factor in the creation of this version. The idea that women were not innocent victims, but instead purposely lured the angels by their beauty is found in several sources dependent upon 1 Enoch and in rabbinic sources that incorporate earlier traditions ..."

Lesses, Rebecca "'They Revealed Secrets to Their Wives': The Transmission of Magical Knowledge in 1 Enoch" in Arbel, Daphna V. and Andrei A. Orlov (eds.) With Letters of Light: Studies in the Dead Sea Scrolls, Early Jewish Apocalypticism, Magic, and Mysticism (pp. 196-222) De Gruyter, 2011

 User Comments

Is it right or lawful to read scriptures that are not in the Bible?

Beth Craig, April 21, 2024, 4:10 pm

So it’s sin to use colorful clothes ?

Anonymous, August 28, 2024, 3:26 pm

Hello. I work selling precious stones. There are versus in the Bible that speaks negatively about them and others that speak positively. Is it a sin too work with selling, cutting precious stones? Also, is it a sin to have natural essential oils? As for metals, I am confused about it because didn’t the Israelites us them in battle? I am a bit confused.

Charles Ferreira, January 26, 2025, 5:13 pm

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