New Testament / Matthew / All
- Matthew 1:19 / Deuteronomy 22: / Protoevangelium of James 14
- Matthew 1:20 / Judges 13:6
- Matthew 1:21 / 1 Enoch 107:2
- Matthew 1:23 / LXX Isaiah 7:14
- Matthew 2:2 / Numbers 24:17
- Matthew 2:4 / Jonathan Micah 5:1
- Matthew 2:6 / Micah 5:2
- Matthew 2:6 / 2 Samuel 5:2
- Matthew 2:13 / Pseudo Jonathan Exodus 1:15
- Matthew 2:15 / Hosea 11:1
- Matthew 2:15 / 4 Ezra 6:58
- Matthew 2:18 / Jeremiah 31:15
- Matthew 2:18 / LXX Jeremiah 38:15
- Matthew 2:20 / Exodus 4:19
- Matthew 2:23 / Isaiah 11:1
- Matthew 3:4 / 2 Kings 1:8
- Matthew 3:4 / Zechariah 13:4
- Matthew 3:6 / Mishnah Yoma 3
- Matthew 3:16 / Berakhot 3a
- Matthew 4:1 / Deuteronomy 8:2
- Matthew 4:1 / Exodus 15:22
- Matthew 4.2 / Exodus 16:35
- Matthew 4:2 / Exodus 34:28
- Matthew 4:3 / Exodus 16:3
- Matthew 4:4 / Wisdom of Solomon 16:26
- Matthew 4:6 / Psalm 91:11
- Matthew 4:8 / Deuteronomy 34:1
- Matthew 4:8 / 2 Chronicles 36:23
- Matthew 4:15 / 1 Maccabees 5:15
- Matthew 4:15 / Isaiah 9:2
- Matthew 4:16 / LXX Isaiah 9:2
- Matthew 5:3 / Sotah 5b
- Matthew 5:3 / Sirach 25:8
- Matthew 5:3 / 1QH
- Matthew 5:3 / Pirkei Avot 4:10
- Matthew 5:3 / Isaiah 61:1
- Matthew 5:4 / Sirach 48:24
- Matthew 5:5 / Sifre Numbers 42
- Matthew 5:5 / Psalm 37:11
- Matthew 5:5 / Pirkei Avot 5:19
- Matthew 5:5 / 1 Enoch 5:7
- Matthew 5:5 / LXX Psalm 36:11
- Matthew 5:6 / Jonathan Isaiah 32:6
- Matthew 5:7 / Shabbat 151b
- Matthew 5:7 / Tosefta Bava Kamma 9
- Matthew 5:7 / Psalm 18:25
- Matthew 5:7 / James 2:13
- Matthew 5:8 / Pirkei Avot 2:9
- Matthew 5:8 / Psalm 24:3
- Matthew 5:8 / 4Q525 2
- Matthew 5:9 / Mishnah Peah 1
- Matthew 5:9 / Pirkei Avot 1:12
- Matthew 5:9 / Psalm 34:15
- Matthew 5:9 / 2 Enoch 52:11
- Matthew 5:10 / Bava Kamma 93a
- Matthew 5:10 / Testament of Judah 25:4
- Matthew 5:12 / Jonathan Isaiah 28:11
- Matthew 5:13 / Bekhorot 8b
- Matthew 5:14 / Bava Batra 4a
- Matthew 5:14 / Proverbs 6:23
- Matthew 5:15 / Sifre Numbers 93
- Matthew 5:16 / 1QH 14
- Matthew 5:16 / Pirkei Avot 2:12
- Matthew 5:16 / 1 Peter 2:12
- Matthew 5:17 / Pirkei Avot 4:9
- Matthew 5:17 / Shabbat 116b
- Matthew 5:18 / Baruch 4:1
- Matthew 5:18 / Sanhedrin 107a
- Matthew 5:18 / Genesis Rabbah 10
- Matthew 5:18 / Exodus Rabbah 6:1
- Matthew 5:21 / Bava Metzia 58b
- Matthew 5:22 / Bava Metzia 59a
- Matthew 5:22 / Neofiti Genesis 9:6
- Matthew 5:22 / Taanit 20b
- Matthew 5:22 / Sanhedrin 100a
- Matthew 5:22 / 1QS 7:2
- Matthew 5:24 / Mishnah Yoma 8:9
- Matthew 5:28 / Kallah 2
- Matthew 5:28 / Niddah 13b
- Matthew 5:28 / Sirach 9:8
- Matthew 5:28 / Leviticus Rabbah 12
- Matthew 5:28 / Proverbs 6:25
- Matthew 5:30 / Bava Metzia 59a
- Matthew 5:31 / Deuteronomy 24:1
- Matthew 5:32 / Mishnah Nedarim 11
- Matthew 5:33 / Numbers 30:2
- Matthew 5:34 / Nedarim 77b
- Matthew 5:34 / Philo The Decalogue 84
- Matthew 5:34 / 2 Enoch 49:3
- Matthew 5:34 / Ecclesiastes 5:4
- Matthew 5:37 / Bava Metzia 49a
- Matthew 5:37 / Philo The Special Laws 2.5
- Matthew 5:37 / Shevuot 36a
- Matthew 5:37 / Ruth Rabbah 7
- Matthew 5:38 / Leviticus 24:20
- Matthew 5:39 / 2 Enoch 50:4
- Matthew 5:39 / Lamentations 3:30
- Matthew 5:39 / Didache 1:4
- Matthew 5:42 / Sirach 4:4
- Matthew 5:43 / Shabbat 88b
- Matthew 5:43 / Gittin 36b
- Matthew 5:43 / 1QS 1
- Matthew 5:43 / Yoma 23a
- Matthew 5:43 / Leviticus 19:18 / Letter of Aristeas
- Matthew 5:44 / Psalm 139:20
- Matthew 5:44 / Proverbs 25:21
- Matthew 5:45 / Taanit 7a
- Matthew 5:45 / Ecclesiastes 9:2
- Matthew 5:45 / Job 37:11
- Matthew 5:45 / Sirach 4:10
- Matthew 5:47 / Pirkei Avot 1:15
- Matthew 5:47 / Berakhot 17a
- Matthew 5:48 / Shabbat 133b
- Matthew 5:48 / Pseudo Jonathan Leviticus 22:28
- Matthew 6:1 / Berakhot 17b
- Matthew 6:1 / Bava Batra 10b
- Matthew 6:2 / Proverbs 27:2
- Matthew 6:2 / Amos 4:5
- Matthew 6:3 / Tobit 12:8
- Matthew 6:3 / Bava Batra 9b
- Matthew 6:4 / 2 Enoch 51:4
- Matthew 6:7 / Berakhot 55a
- Matthew 6:7 / Berakhot 61a
- Matthew 6:7 / Sirach 7:14
- Matthew 6:8 / Psalms of Solomon 14:8
- Matthew 6:9 / Shemoneh Esrei
- Matthew 6:9 / Mishnah Sotah 9
- Matthew 6:9 / Neofiti Exodus 1:19
- Matthew 6:9 / Jubilees 12:20
- Matthew 6:10 / 1 Maccabees 3:60
- Matthew 6:11 / Proverbs 30:8
- Matthew 6:12 / Sirach 28:2
- Matthew 6:13 / Sirach 23:5
- Matthew 6:13 / Berakhot 60b
- Matthew 6:13 / Siddur Ashkenaz
- Matthew 6:14 / Rosh Hashanah 17a
- Matthew 6:14 / Shabbat 151b
- Matthew 6:20 / 4 Ezra 6:5
- Matthew 6:19 / Bava Batra 11a
- Matthew 6:19 / Jerusalem Peah
- Matthew 6:20 / 4 Ezra 7:77
- Matthew 6:20 / Sirach 29:11
- Matthew 6:20 / Philo On the Birth of Abel 1:22
- Matthew 6:20 / Neofiti Genesis 15:1
- Matthew 6:20 / Tobit 4:9
- Matthew 6:20 / Mishnah Peah 1:1
- Matthew 6:22 / Sirach 23:19
- Matthew 6:22 / Philo On Abraham 1:150
- Matthew 6:22 / Cicero De Oratore 3.211
- Matthew 6:23 / Sirach 14:8
- Matthew 6:23 / Sirach 18:18
- Matthew 6:23 / Testament of Dan 2:4
- Matthew 6:24 / Proverbs 30:8
- Matthew 6:24 / Sirach 31:8
- Matthew 6:24 / Onkelos Exodus 18:21
- Matthew 6:25 / Sotah 48b
- Matthew 6:26 / Psalms of Solomon 5:9
- Matthew 6:26 / Genesis Rabbah 79:6
- Matthew 6:26 / Mishnah Kiddushin 4
- Matthew 6:26 / Job 12:7
- Matthew 6:26 / Psalm 147:9
- Matthew 6:33 / 1 Maccabees 2:29
- Matthew 6:33 / Wisdom of Solomon 7:11
- Matthew 6:33 / 1 Enoch 58:4
- Matthew 6:34 / Berakhot 9b
- Matthew 6:34 / Yevamot 63b
- Matthew 6:34 / Sanhedrin 100b
- Matthew 6:34 / Proverbs 27:1
- Matthew 7:1 / Berakhot 55a
- Matthew 7:1 / Shabbat 127b
- Matthew 7:1 / Sotah 8b
- Matthew 7:1 / Pirkei Avot 2:4
- Matthew 7:2 / Sanhedrin 100a
- Matthew 7:2 / Jerusalem Genesis 38:26
- Matthew 7:2 / Mishnah Sotah 1:7
- Matthew 7:2 / Jonathan Isaiah 27:8
- Matthew 7:2 / Sifre Deuteronomy 308
- Matthew 7:2 / Isaiah 3:10
- Matthew 7:2 / 2 Enoch 44:3
- Matthew 7:2 / Sifre Numbers 106:1
- Matthew 7:2 / Testament of Zebulun 5:3
- Matthew 7:2 / Neofiti Numbers 12:16
- Matthew 7:2 / Pseudo Jonathan Numbers 12:17
- Matthew 7:2 / Megillah 28a
- Matthew 7:2 / Rosh Hashanah 16b
- Matthew 7:2 / Obadiah 1:15
- Matthew 7:3 / Arakhin 16b
- Matthew 7:3 / Bava Batra 15b
- Matthew 7:3 / Kiddushin 70a
- Matthew 7:3 / Seneca On the Happy Life 27
- Matthew 7:5 / Sanhedrin 18b
- Matthew 7:5 / Bava Metzia 107b
- Matthew 7:6 / Pirkei Avot 6:2
- Matthew 7:6 / Proverbs 9:7
- Matthew 7:6 / Proverbs 23:9
- Matthew 7:6 / Exodus 22:31
- Matthew 7:6 / Didache 9:5
- Matthew 7:7 / Mishnah Sotah 9
- Matthew 7:7 / Megillah 12b
- Matthew 7:7 / Megillah 6b
- Matthew 7:7 / Wisdom of Solomon 6:12
- Matthew 7:7 / Proverbs 8:17
- Matthew 7:7 / Deuteronomy 4:29
- Matthew 7:7 / Jeremiah 29:12
- Matthew 7:11 / Leviticus Rabbah 34:14
- Matthew 7:12 / Shabbat 31a
- Matthew 7:12 / Sirach 31:15
- Matthew 7:12 / Tobit 4:15
- Matthew 7:12 / Didache 1:2
- Matthew 7:12 / 2 Enoch 61:1
- Matthew 7:12 / Pseudo Jonathan Leviticus 19:18
- Matthew 7:12 / Avot D'Rabbi Natan 26
- Matthew 7:12 / Seneca Moral Epistles 9:3
- Matthew 7:12 / Letter of Aristeas 1:207
- Matthew 7:13 / 4 Ezra 7:5
- Matthew 7:13 / Sifre Deuteronomy 53
- Matthew 7:13 / Berakhot 28b
- Matthew 7:13 / Deuteronomy 30:15
- Matthew 7:13 / Testament of Abraham 11:3
- Matthew 7:13 / Sirach 21:10
- Matthew 7:13 / Proverbs 16:25
- Matthew 7:13 / 2 Enoch 30:15
- Matthew 7:13 / 2 Baruch 85:13
- Matthew 7:16 / Sirach 27:6
- Matthew 7:16 / Berakhot 48a
- Matthew 7:18 / Archelaus Acts of the Disputation with Manes 5
- Matthew 7:18 / Psalm 1:3
- Matthew 7:19 / Jeremiah 22:7
- Matthew 7:19 / Sirach 27:6
- Matthew 7:21 / LXX Psalm 108:21
- Matthew 7:22 / LXX Esther 7:9
- Matthew 7:23 / Psalm 6:8
- Matthew 7:24 / Pirkei Avot 3:17
- Matthew 7:24 / Avot D'Rabbi Natan 24
- Matthew 7:28 / Deuteronomy 32:45
- Matthew 7:28 / 1 Samuel 24:16
- Matthew 8:1 / Exodus 34:29
- Matthew 8:11 / Baruch 4:36
- Matthew 8:11 / Psalms of Solomon 11:2
- Matthew 8:17 / Isaiah 53:4
- Matthew 8:20 / Sirach 36:31
- Matthew 8:21 / Tobit 4:3
- Matthew 8:27 / 2 Maccabees 9:8
- Matthew 9:6 / 4Q242
- Matthew 9:6 / Psalm 103:3
- Matthew 9:6 / Nedarim 41a
- Matthew 9:13 / Hosea 6:6
- Matthew 9:13 / Avot D'Rabbi Natan (A) 4
- Matthew 9:13 / Avot D'Rabbi Natan (A) 4
- Matthew 9:17 / Pirkei Avot 4:20
- Matthew 9:17 / 1QSa 2
- Matthew 9:17 / Sirach 9:10
- Matthew 9:20 / Taanit 23b
- Matthew 9:20 / Numbers 15:38 / Malachi 4:2
- Matthew 9:34 / Testament of Solomon 26
- Matthew 9:36 / Judith 11:19
- Matthew 9:36 / Jeremiah 50:6
- Matthew 9:36 / Numbers 27:17
- Matthew 9:37 / Pirkei Avot 2:15
- Matthew 9:37 / 4 Ezra 4:32
- Matthew 10:8 / Bekhorot 29a
- Matthew 10:8 / Leviticus Rabbah 10:4
- Matthew 10:16 / Pirkei Avot 5:20
- Matthew 10:16 / Sirach 13:17
- Matthew 10:21 / Mishnah Sotah 9
- Matthew 10:21 / Micah 7:6
- Matthew 10:22 / 4 Ezra 6:25
- Matthew 10:25 / Berakhot 58b
- Matthew 10:25 / Testament of Solomon 15
- Matthew 10:28 / 4 Maccabees 13:13
- Matthew 10:29 / 1QS 11
- Matthew 10:29 / LXX Amos 3:5
- Matthew 10:35 / Mishnah Sotah 9
- Matthew 10:35 / Micah 7:6
- Matthew 10:37 / Mishnah Bava Metzia 2:11
- Matthew 10:39 / Tamid 32a
- Matthew 10:42 / 2 Baruch 48:19
- Matthew 11:7 / 3 Maccabees 2:22
- Matthew 11:11 / Sirach 48:10
- Matthew 11:12 / Micah 2:13
- Matthew 11:12 / Sifre Deuteronomy 49
- Matthew 11:19 / Deuteronomy 21:20
- Matthew 11:23 / Psalms of Solomon 1:5
- Matthew 11:25 / Bava Batra 12b
- Matthew 11:25 / Daniel 2:21
- Matthew 11:25 / Proverbs 3:34
- Matthew 11:28 / Pirkei Avot 3:5
- Matthew 11:28 / Sirach 51:23
- Matthew 11:29 / Sirach 6:28
- Matthew 11:30 / Psalms of Solomon 7:9
- Matthew 12:1 / Deuteronomy 23:25
- Matthew 12:3 / Shabbat 132b
- Matthew 12:7 / Hosea 6:6
- Matthew 12:11 / Deuteronomy 22:4
- Matthew 12:17 / Isaiah 42:1
- Matthew 12:23 / Psalms of Solomon 17:21
- Matthew 12:24 / Testament of Solomon 21
- Matthew 12:31 / Avot D'Rabbi Natan 29
- Matthew 12:31 / Yoma 86a
- Matthew 12:31 / Isaiah 22:14
- Matthew 12:33 / Sirach 27:4
- Matthew 12:39 / Sanhedrin 98a
- Matthew 12:39 / Jubilees 23:14
- Matthew 12:41 / Wisdom of Solomon 4:16
- Matthew 13:3 / Sirach 40:15
- Matthew 13:3 / 4 Ezra 8:41
- Matthew 13:8 / Seneca Letters from a Stoic 38
- Matthew 13:12 / Sukkah 46b
- Matthew 13:12 / 1 Enoch 108:5
- Matthew 13:13 / Chagigah 12b
- Matthew 13:17 / Jonathan Numbers 24:15
- Matthew 13:31 / Ketubot 111b
- Matthew 13:31 / Ezekiel 17:23
- Matthew 13:32 / Daniel 4:20
- Matthew 13:33 / Genesis 18:6
- Matthew 13:35 / LXX Psalm 77:2
- Matthew 13:41 / 1 Enoch 54:6
- Matthew 13:42 / Psalm 112:10
- Matthew 13:42 / Daniel 3:6
- Matthew 13:43 / Daniel 12:3
- Matthew 13:43 / 4 Ezra 7:125
- Matthew 13:43 / 4 Maccabees 17:5
- Matthew 13:43 / 1 Enoch 104:2
- Matthew 13:43 / 1 Enoch 108:12
- Matthew 13:44 / Sirach 20:30
- Matthew 13:44 / Philo On the Unchangeableness of God 1:91
- Matthew 13:44 / Mekhilta d'Rabbi Ishmael 62:5
- Matthew 13:44 / Leviticus Rabbah 5:4
- Matthew 13:45 / Shabbat 119a
- Matthew 13:47 / Avodah Zarah 3b
- Matthew 13:52 / Leviticus Rabbah 2:11
- Matthew 14:6 / Esther 2:9
- Matthew 14:22 / Habakkuk 3:15
- Matthew 15:7 / Jude 1:14
- Matthew 15:13 / Psalms of Solomon 14:4
- Matthew 15:13 / Isaiah 60:21
- Matthew 15:13 / Mishnah Sanhedrin 10:1
- Matthew 15:27 / Neofiti Exodus 22:30
- Matthew 15:31 / Isaiah 35:5
- Matthew 15:31 / Mekhilta d'Rabbi Ishmael 20.15
- Matthew 16:2 / Yoma 21b
- Matthew 16:13 / 1 Kings 12:28
- Matthew 16:18 / 3 Maccabees 5:51
- Matthew 16:18 / Wisdom of Solomon 16:13
- Matthew 16:18 / Yalkut Shimoni 766
- Matthew 16:18 / 2 Enoch 42:1
- Matthew 16:19 / Mishnah Demai 6:11
- Matthew 16:19 / Isaiah 22:22
- Matthew 16:19 / 2 Baruch 10:17
- Matthew 16:24 / Genesis Rabbah 56
- Matthew 16:26 / Pirkei Avot 2:1
- Matthew 16:26 / 2 Baruch 51:15
- Matthew 16:27 / Sirach 35:22
- Matthew 16:27 / Psalm 62:12
- Matthew 16:27 / 1 Enoch 45:3
- Matthew 16:28 / 4 Ezra 6:26
- Matthew 17:1 / Exodus 24:1
- Matthew 17:2 / Exodus 34:29
- Matthew 17:2 / 2 Baruch 51:3
- Matthew 17:5 / Psalm 2:7
- Matthew 17:5 / LXX Exodus 40:29
- Matthew 17:5 / 2 Baruch 22:2
- Matthew 17:11 / Sirach 48:10
- Matthew 18:6 / 1 Enoch 48:9
- Matthew 18:10 / 1 Enoch 100:5
- Matthew 18:10 / 1 Enoch 104:1
- Matthew 18:10 / 2 Baruch 48:19
- Matthew 18:10 / 2 Baruch 48:19
- Matthew 18:12 / Isaiah 40:11
- Matthew 18:12 / Ezekiel 34:11
- Matthew 18:12 / Psalms of Solomon 17:40
- Matthew 18:15 / Leviticus 19:17
- Matthew 18:15 / Proverbs 25:9
- Matthew 18:15 / Sanhedrin 107a
- Matthew 18:15 / 1QS 6
- Matthew 18:16 / 4Q266
- Matthew 18:16 / Deuteronomy 19:15
- Matthew 18:19 / Pirkei Avot 3:2
- Matthew 18:20 / Berakhot 6a
- Matthew 18:20 / 2 Maccabees 14:35
- Matthew 18:21 / Genesis 4:24
- Matthew 18:23 / Sirach 28:1
- Matthew 18:35 / Testament of Gad 6:7
- Matthew 19:5 / Genesis 2:24
- Matthew 19:21 / Tobit 4:8
- Matthew 19:24 / Berakhot 55b
- Matthew 19:24 / Bava Metzia 38b
- Matthew 19:24 / Song of Songs Rabbah 5:2
- Matthew 19:28 / Psalms of Solomon 17:26
- Matthew 19:28 / 1 Enoch 62:5
- Matthew 19:28 / 1 Enoch 108:12
- Matthew 19:29 / 1 Enoch 40:9
- Matthew 20:1 / Genesis Rabbah 9:9
- Matthew 20:9 / Jerusalem Berakhot 2.8
- Matthew 20:16 / Pesachim 50a
- Matthew 20:16 / Ruth Rabbah 3
- Matthew 21:4 / Genesis Rabbah 98:9
- Matthew 21:5 / LXX Zechariah 9:9
- Matthew 21:8 / 2 Kings 9:13
- Matthew 21:9 / 2 Samuel 14:4
- Matthew 21:12 / Psalms of Solomon 17:30
- Matthew 21:16 / Psalm 8:2
- Matthew 21:16 / Wisdom of Solomon 10:21
- Matthew 21:33 / Jonathan Isaiah 5:5
- Matthew 21:33 / Isaiah 5:1
- Matthew 21:42 / Psalm 118:22 / Targum Psalm 118:22
- Matthew 21:43 / 4 Ezra 1:24
- Matthew 22:2 / Shabbat 153a
- Matthew 22:12 / Apocalypse of Abraham 13:12
- Matthew 22:13 / Wisdom of Solomon 17:2
- Matthew 22:13 / 1 Enoch 10:4
- Matthew 22:14 / 4 Ezra 8:3
- Matthew 22:21 / Nedarim 28a
- Matthew 22:21 / Gittin 10b
- Matthew 22:21 / Bava Batra 54b
- Matthew 22:21 / Tanchuma Noach 10
- Matthew 22:21 / Tosefta Shabbat 17:1
- Matthew 22:30 / 1 Enoch 69:11
- Matthew 22:32 / 4 Maccabees 7:19
- Matthew 22:32 / Testament of Judah 25:1
- Matthew 22:40 / Pirkei Avot 2:9
- Matthew 23:2 / Pesikta D'Rav Kahanna 1:7
- Matthew 23:3 / Deuteronomy 17:10
- Matthew 23:3 / Sifre Deuteronomy 154:4
- Matthew 23:3 / Leviticus Rabbah 35:7
- Matthew 23:5 / Sotah 22b
- Matthew 23:5 / Numbers 15:38
- Matthew 23:8 / Pirkei Avot 1:10
- Matthew 23:9 / Tobit 13:4
- Matthew 23:11 / Sifre Deuteronomy 38:4
- Matthew 23:12 / Bava Metzia 85b
- Matthew 23:12 / Nedarim 55a
- Matthew 23:15 / Yoma 72b
- Matthew 23:23 / Pirkei Avot 2:1
- Matthew 23:24 / Leviticus 11:43
- Matthew 23:36 / Isaiah 31:5
- Matthew 23:36 / Tobit 14:4
- Matthew 23:38 / Psalm 118:26
- Matthew 24:3 / 4 Ezra 6:18
- Matthew 24:6 / 2 Baruch 48:34
- Matthew 24:7 / 4 Ezra 13:31
- Matthew 24:8 / Micah 5:3
- Matthew 24:8 / Sanhedrin 98b
- Matthew 24:10 / 4 Ezra 15:15
- Matthew 24:10 / 4 Ezra 5:2
- Matthew 24:10 / 1 Enoch 93:8
- Matthew 24:10 / Jubilees 23:14
- Matthew 24:12 / 1 Enoch 106:20
- Matthew 24:16 / 1 Maccabees 2:28
- Matthew 24:19 / 2 Baruch 10:13
- Matthew 24:27 / Zechariah 9:14
- Matthew 24:28 / Job 39:30
- Matthew 24:30 / Zechariah 12:10
- Matthew 24:31 / Isaiah 27:13
- Matthew 24:31 / Apocalypse of Abraham 31:1
- Matthew 24:36 / Sanhedrin 97b
- Matthew 24:36 / 1QpHab 7
- Matthew 24:36 / Sefer Chasidim 76
- Matthew 24:36 / Zechariah 14:7
- Matthew 24:36 / Sanhedrin 99a
- Matthew 24:40 / Apocalypse of Zephaniah 2:2
- Matthew 24:44 / Sanhedrin 97a
- Matthew 24:51 / Judith 16:17
- Matthew 25:35 / Sirach 7:32
- Matthew 25:31 / 1 Enoch 62:2
- Matthew 25:31 / 1 Enoch 69:27
- Matthew 25:32 / Ezekiel 34:17
- Matthew 25:33 / Psalm 110:1
- Matthew 25:33 / Genesis 48:14
- Matthew 25:34 / 2 Enoch 9:1
- Matthew 25:34 / Genesis 2:8 / 2 Enoch 9:1 / Pseudo Jonathan Genesis 2:8
- Matthew 25:35 / Romans 12:15
- Matthew 25:35 / Shabbat 127a
- Matthew 25:39 / Seneca Moral Epistles 9:5
- Matthew 25:40 / Midrash Tannaim 15:9
- Matthew 25:40 / Proverbs 19:17
- Matthew 25:41 / Nedarim 40a
- Matthew 25:41 / 4Q184
- Matthew 25:41 / 1 Enoch 10:13
- Matthew 25:41 / 1 Enoch 54:5
- Matthew 25:46 / Daniel 12:2
- Matthew 26:6 / 1 Samuel 10:1
- Matthew 26:11 / Deuteronomy 14:11
- Matthew 26:15 / Zechariah 11:12
- Matthew 26:24 / 1 Enoch 38:2
- Matthew 26:31 / Zechariah 13:7
- Matthew 26:37 / 2 Samuel 15:30
- Matthew 26:38 / Sirach 37:2
- Matthew 26:52 / Jonathan Isaiah 50:11
- Matthew 26:53 / 2 Baruch 63:7
- Matthew 26:63 / Isaiah 53:7
- Matthew 26:64 / Daniel 7:13
- Matthew 27:4 / Deuteronomy 27:25
- Matthew 27:5 / 2 Samuel 17:23
- Matthew 27:5 / 1 Kings 16:18
- Matthew 27:7 / Zechariah 11:13
- Matthew 27:10 / Zechariah 11:12
- Matthew 27:24 / Susanna 1:46
- Matthew 27:24 / Psalm 26:6
- Matthew 27:24 / Deuteronomy 27:25
- Matthew 27:25 / 2 Samuel 1:16
- Matthew 27:39 / Lamentations 2:15
- Matthew 27:41 / Psalm 22:7
- Matthew 27:43 / Wisdom of Solomon 2:18
- Matthew 27:43 / Psalm 22:8
- Matthew 27:51 / Zechariah 14:4
- Matthew 27:52 / Ezekiel 37:12
- Matthew 27:55 / Psalm 38:11
- Matthew 28:3 / Daniel 7:9
- Matthew 28:18 / Daniel 7:14
Date: 70-90 C.E.
Matthew is the traditional name given to one of the three synoptic Gospels describing the birth, ministry, passion, death and resurrection of Jesus and is notable for five long discourses, or sermons, woven throughout the narrative. Matthew was likely a Jewish-Christian who spoke Greek and who was also familiar with Aramaic and/or Hebrew. Details of Matthew's gospel are often drawn from Mark's Gospel and also a likely separate collection of sayings of Jesus. Matthew's Gospel was likely written in or around the area of Antioch.