Matthew 6:34

New Testament

31 So then, don’t worry saying, ‘What will we eat?’ or ‘What will we drink?’ or ‘What will we wear?’ 32 For the unconverted pursue these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33 But above all pursue his kingdom and righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34 So then, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Today has enough trouble of its own.

Sanhedrin 100b

Babylonian Talmud

We also teach what it states there: Avert your eyes from a woman of grace, lest you be trapped in her snare. Turn not to her husband to mix wine and strong drink with him, as many have been corrupted by the beauty of the beautiful woman, and mighty are all her fatalities (Ben Sira 9:9–11). Many are the wounds of a peddler (Ben Sira 11:36), which in this context is referring to those who accustom others to matters of forbidden sexual relations. Like a spark ignites a coal (Ben Sira 11:43), like a cage full of birds, so too, their houses are filled with deceit (Ben Sira 11:36–37). Prevent the multitudes from inside your house, and do not bring everyone into your house (Ben Sira 11:37). Let many be those who greet you; reveal your secrets to one in a thousand. From she who lies in your bosom guard the openings of your mouth, i.e., do not tell her everything. Grieve not about tomorrow’s trouble, because you know not what a day may bring; perhaps tomorrow you will no longer be, and one will have worried about a world that is not his.

 Notes and References
"... Whatever you think of that, we have in these verses the continuation of a familiar Biblical theme – it starts with the Israelites in the desert who had to undergo a training in dependence on God’s daily miracle of manna and quail. But the Hebrew scriptures show how the people could never manage the faith required. The Torah texts are filled with the complaints and rebellions and doubts of a people for whom dependence on an unseen divinity stretched their faithfulness to breaking point. And the Talmud has many examples of rabbis trying to persuade people to move beyond their natural human anxieties, towards greater faith in a God who provides. For example, in a striking parallel to our text, one of Matthew’s contemporaries, the first century Rabbi Eleazar of Hyracanus, is quoted as saying: “Whoever has bread in his basket and asks: ‘What shall I eat tomorrow?’, is none other than those of little faith (qatnei emunah)”. (Sotah 48b) ... Matthew 6:34 - Sanhedrin 100b ..."

Cooper, Howard Reflections on Reading Matthew 6:19-34 (p. 186) Leo Baeck College, 2015

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