Deuterocanon / Wisdom of Solomon / All
- Wisdom of Solomon 1:4 / Origen Contra Celsum 3.60
- Wisdom of Solomon 1:4 / Ambrose On the Holy Spirit 3.11
- Wisdom of Solomon 1:4 / Ambrose On the Holy Spirit 3.17
- Wisdom of Solomon 1:4 / Gregory of Nyssa On Virginity 15
- Wisdom of Solomon 1:5 / Origen Contra Celsum 7.8
- Wisdom of Solomon 1:6 / Tertullian Concerning the Soul 15
- Wisdom of Solomon 1:7 / Colossians 1:17
- Wisdom of Solomon 1:7 / Ambrose On the Holy Spirit 1.7
- Wisdom of Solomon 1:9 / Augustine City of God 20.26
- Wisdom of Solomon 1:11 / Athanasius Defense Against the Arians 3
- Wisdom of Solomon 1:11 / Athanasius Defense of Constantius 5
- Wisdom of Solomon 1:13 / Cyprian Epistles 51
- Wisdom of Solomon 1:14 / Methodius Discourse on the Resurrection 1:10
- Wisdom of Solomon 1:16 / Isaiah 28:18
- Wisdom of Solomon 2:4 / Proverbs 10:7
- Wisdom of Solomon 2:6 / 1 Enoch 102:9
- Wisdom of Solomon 2:12 / James 5:6
- Wisdom of Solomon 2:12 / Augustine City of God 17.20
- Wisdom of Solomon 2:12 / LXX Isaiah 3:10
- Wisdom of Solomon 2:12 / Barnabas 6:7
- Wisdom of Solomon 2:16 / John 5:18
- Wisdom of Solomon 2:18 / Matthew 27:43
- Wisdom of Solomon 2:23 / Romans 5:12
- Wisdom of Solomon 2:23 / Methodius Discourse on the Resurrection 1:14
- Wisdom of Solomon 2:23 / Genesis 1:26
- Wisdom of Solomon 2:24 / John 8:44
- Wisdom of Solomon 2:24 / Athanasius On the Incarnation of the Word 5:2
- Wisdom of Solomon 2:24 / Yevamot 16a
- Wisdom of Solomon 2:24 / 1 Enoch 54:6
- Wisdom of Solomon 2:24 / 1 Clement 3:4
- Wisdom of Solomon 3:1 / Deuteronomy 33:3
- Wisdom of Solomon 3:1 / 1 Enoch 1:8
- Wisdom of Solomon 3:2 / 1 Enoch 102:6
- Wisdom of Solomon 3:3 / Isaiah 57:2
- Wisdom of Solomon 3:4 / 1 Peter 1:5
- Wisdom of Solomon 3:4 / 1 Corinthians 15:53
- Wisdom of Solomon 3:5 / James 1:2
- Wisdom of Solomon 3:5 / Deuteronomy 8:2
- Wisdom of Solomon 3:5 / 1 Enoch 108:9
- Wisdom of Solomon 3:6 / Zechariah 13:9
- Wisdom of Solomon 3:6 / 1 Peter 1:7
- Wisdom of Solomon 3:7 / Isaiah 10:3
- Wisdom of Solomon 3:7 / Daniel 12:3
- Wisdom of Solomon 3:7 / Luke 19:44
- Wisdom of Solomon 3:8 / 1 Corinthians 6:2
- Wisdom of Solomon 3:8 / Daniel 7:27
- Wisdom of Solomon 3:11 / Cyprian Treatises 2:1
- Wisdom of Solomon 3:11 / Proverbs 1:7
- Wisdom of Solomon 3:13 / Sirach 41:8
- Wisdom of Solomon 3:13 / Isaiah 54:1
- Wisdom of Solomon 4:3 / Methodius Banquet of the Ten Virgins 1.3
- Wisdom of Solomon 4:3 / Sirach 23:25
- Wisdom of Solomon 4:7 / Isaiah 57:2
- Wisdom of Solomon 4:8 / Sirach 25:5
- Wisdom of Solomon 4:9 / Proverbs 16:31
- Wisdom of Solomon 4:10 / Genesis 5:24
- Wisdom of Solomon 4:12 / Galatians 3:1
- Wisdom of Solomon 4:16 / Matthew 12:41
- Wisdom of Solomon 4:18 / Isaiah 66:24
- Wisdom of Solomon 5:6 / Isaiah 59:9
- Wisdom of Solomon 5:8 / Cyprian Treatises 5.24
- Wisdom of Solomon 5:8 / Cyprian Treatises 2:10
- Wisdom of Solomon 5:13 / Cyprian Treatises 5.4
- Wisdom of Solomon 5:15 / Psalm 8:5
- Wisdom of Solomon 5:15 / Revelation 2:10
- Wisdom of Solomon 5:16 / 2 Timothy 4:8
- Wisdom of Solomon 5:16 / Isaiah 62:3
- Wisdom of Solomon 5:17 / Ephesians 6:13
- Wisdom of Solomon 5:18 / 1 Thessalonians 5:8
- Wisdom of Solomon 5:22 / Judges 5:5
- Wisdom of Solomon 5:22 / Luke 21:25
- Wisdom of Solomon 6:3 / Romans 13:1
- Wisdom of Solomon 6:12 / Matthew 7:7
- Wisdom of Solomon 6:12 / LXX Proverbs 3:15
- Wisdom of Solomon 6:17 / Clement of Alexandria The Instructor 2.1
- Wisdom of Solomon 6:18 / John 14:15
- Wisdom of Solomon 6:18 / Athanasius On the Incarnation of the Word 4:6
- Wisdom of Solomon 6:18 / Psalms of Solomon 9:5
- Wisdom of Solomon 6:20 / Augustine City of God 14.7
- Wisdom of Solomon 6:24 / Proverbs 11:14
- Wisdom of Solomon 6:24 / Sirach 10:1
- Wisdom of Solomon 7:1 / LXX Genesis 2:7
- Wisdom of Solomon 7:7 / Ephesians 1:17
- Wisdom of Solomon 7:7 / 1 Kings 3:10
- Wisdom of Solomon 7:11 / Matthew 6:33
- Wisdom of Solomon 7:22 / Colossians 1:15
- Wisdom of Solomon 7:22 / Augustine City of God 11.10
- Wisdom of Solomon 7:22 / Ambrose On the Duty of the Clergy 2.13
- Wisdom of Solomon 7:22 / Ambrose On the Holy Spirit 3.6
- Wisdom of Solomon 7:22 / Ambrose On the Holy Spirit 3.18
- Wisdom of Solomon 7:22 / Ambrose On the Holy Spirit 3.22
- Wisdom of Solomon 7:23 / Hebrews 4:12
- Wisdom of Solomon 7:24 / 1 Corinthians 1:24
- Wisdom of Solomon 7:25 / Hebrews 1:3
- Wisdom of Solomon 7:25 / Athanasius On the Opinion of Dionysius 1:9
- Wisdom of Solomon 7:25 / Athanasius On the Opinion of Dionysius 1:15
- Wisdom of Solomon 7:25 / Origen Contra Celsum 3.72
- Wisdom of Solomon 7:26 / Ambrose On the Christian Faith 1.7
- Wisdom of Solomon 7:26 / 2 Corinthians 3:18
- Wisdom of Solomon 7:27 / Luke 7:35
- Wisdom of Solomon 7:27 / Augustine Confessions 7.11
- Wisdom of Solomon 7:27 / Augustine Confessions 9.10
- Wisdom of Solomon 7:27 / Ambrose On the Christian Faith 4.11
- Wisdom of Solomon 7:29 / John 1:5
- Wisdom of Solomon 7:29 / Ambrose On the Duty of the Clergy 2.13
- Wisdom of Solomon 7:30 / Ambrose On the Christian Faith 4.11
- Wisdom of Solomon 8:1 / Augustine City of God 12.25
- Wisdom of Solomon 8:1 / Augustine City of God 15.3
- Wisdom of Solomon 8:2 / Sirach 15:2
- Wisdom of Solomon 8:7 / Ambrose On the Duty of the Clergy 2.13
- Wisdom of Solomon 8:8 / Luke 12:56
- Wisdom of Solomon 8:8 / Proverbs 1:6
- Wisdom of Solomon 8:12 / Job 29:9
- Wisdom of Solomon 8:13 / Ambrose On the Christian Faith 3.3
- Wisdom of Solomon 8:21 / Augustine Confessions 10.29
- Wisdom of Solomon 9:4 / Proverbs 8:30
- Wisdom of Solomon 9:4 / 1 Kings 3:9
- Wisdom of Solomon 9:6 / Origen Contra Celsum 6.13
- Wisdom of Solomon 9:8 / 2 Baruch 2:3 / Hebrews 8:5
- Wisdom of Solomon 9:9 / John 1:1
- Wisdom of Solomon 9:9 / Colossians 1:16
- Wisdom of Solomon 9:9 / Proverbs 3:19
- Wisdom of Solomon 9:9 / 2 Enoch 30:10
- Wisdom of Solomon 9:9 / Proverbs 8:22
- Wisdom of Solomon 9:13 / Augustine City of God 12.15
- Wisdom of Solomon 9:14 / John Chrysostom Homily 4 on John 2
- Wisdom of Solomon 9:14 / Augustine City of God 22.29
- Wisdom of Solomon 9:15 / 1 Corinthians 15:53
- Wisdom of Solomon 9:15 / 2 Corinthians 5:4
- Wisdom of Solomon 9:15 / Augustine City of God 13.16
- Wisdom of Solomon 9:15 / Augustine City of God 14.3
- Wisdom of Solomon 9:15 / Augustine City of God 19.4
- Wisdom of Solomon 9:15 / Augustine City of God 19.27
- Wisdom of Solomon 9:15 / Augustine Confessions 7.17
- Wisdom of Solomon 9:15 / Galatians 5:17
- Wisdom of Solomon 9:15 / 2 Peter 1:13
- Wisdom of Solomon 9:16 / John 3:12
- Wisdom of Solomon 10:4 / Genesis 6:17
- Wisdom of Solomon 10:6 / 2 Peter 2:7
- Wisdom of Solomon 10:7 / Genesis 19:26
- Wisdom of Solomon 10:10 / Testament of Levi 9:3
- Wisdom of Solomon 10:12 / Genesis 32:28 / LXX Genesis 32:28
- Wisdom of Solomon 10:16 / Psalm 105:30
- Wisdom of Solomon 10:17 / Exodus 12:36
- Wisdom of Solomon 10:20 / Josephus Antiquities of the Jews Book 2 16:5
- Wisdom of Solomon 10:21 / Augustine Confessions 8.5
- Wisdom of Solomon 10:21 / Pseudo Jonathan Exodus 15:2
- Wisdom of Solomon 10:21 / Matthew 21:16
- Wisdom of Solomon 10:21 / Tosefta Sotah 6:4
- Wisdom of Solomon 11:16 / Testament of Gad 5:10
- Wisdom of Solomon 11:15 / Romans 1:23
- Wisdom of Solomon 11:15 / Jude 1:10
- Wisdom of Solomon 11:16 / Psalm 7:15
- Wisdom of Solomon 11:16 / Jubilees 4:32
- Wisdom of Solomon 11:20 / Augustine City of God 11.30
- Wisdom of Solomon 11:20 / Augustine City of God 12.18
- Wisdom of Solomon 11:20 / Augustine Confessions 5.4
- Wisdom of Solomon 11:20 / 4 Ezra 4:36
- Wisdom of Solomon 11:23 / Romans 2:4
- Wisdom of Solomon 11:23 / Acts 17:30
- Wisdom of Solomon 11:24 / Clement of Alexandria The Instructor 1.8
- Wisdom of Solomon 12:1 / Origen Contra Celsum 4.37
- Wisdom of Solomon 12:3 / 2 Maccabees 1:7
- Wisdom of Solomon 12:4 / Deuteronomy 18:10
- Wisdom of Solomon 12:6 / Numbers 33:52
- Wisdom of Solomon 12:8 / Exodus 23:28
- Wisdom of Solomon 12:10 / 1 Clement 7:5
- Wisdom of Solomon 12:11 / Genesis 9:25
- Wisdom of Solomon 12:12 / Romans 9:19
- Wisdom of Solomon 12:12 / 1 Clement 27:5
- Wisdom of Solomon 12:13 / 1 Peter 5:7
- Wisdom of Solomon 12:20 / 2 Peter 3:9
- Wisdom of Solomon 12:22 / Tobit 13:2
- Wisdom of Solomon 13:1 / Romans 1:20
- Wisdom of Solomon 13:1 / Cyprian Treatises 11:5
- Wisdom of Solomon 13:1 / Augustine Confessions 8.1
- Wisdom of Solomon 13:5 / Athanasius Against the Heathen 44:3
- Wisdom of Solomon 13:5 / Hilary of Poitiers On the Trinity 1.7
- Wisdom of Solomon 13:9 / Augustine Confessions 5.3
- Wisdom of Solomon 13:14 / Isaiah 44:9
- Wisdom of Solomon 14:1 / Jonah 1:5
- Wisdom of Solomon 14:6 / Sirach 16:7
- Wisdom of Solomon 14:6 / Baruch 3:26
- Wisdom of Solomon 14:12 / Athanasius Against the Heathen 9
- Wisdom of Solomon 14:12 / Athanasius Against the Heathen 11
- Wisdom of Solomon 14:21 / Athanasius Against the Heathen 17
- Wisdom of Solomon 14:21 / Isaiah 42:8
- Wisdom of Solomon 14:22 / Romans 1:24
- Wisdom of Solomon 14:26 / Romans 1:26
- Wisdom of Solomon 15:1 / Romans 2:4
- Wisdom of Solomon 15:3 / John 17:3
- Wisdom of Solomon 15:3 / Methodius Oration on Simeon and Anna 1:7
- Wisdom of Solomon 15:7 / Romans 9:21
- Wisdom of Solomon 15:15 / Cyprian Treatises 11:5
- Wisdom of Solomon 15:15 / Psalm 115:4
- Wisdom of Solomon 15:15 / Psalm 135:15
- Wisdom of Solomon 16:3 / Exodus 8:3
- Wisdom of Solomon 16:8 / Exodus 32:12
- Wisdom of Solomon 16:9 / Revelation 9:3
- Wisdom of Solomon 16:9 / Josephus Antiquities of the Jews Book 2 14:3
- Wisdom of Solomon 16:13 / Matthew 16:18
- Wisdom of Solomon 16:16 / Exodus 9:18
- Wisdom of Solomon 16:18 / Exodus 8:31
- Wisdom of Solomon 16:20 / LXX Psalm 77:25
- Wisdom of Solomon 16:21 / Yoma 75a
- Wisdom of Solomon 16:22 / LXX Numbers 11:7
- Wisdom of Solomon 16:23 / Revelation 8:7
- Wisdom of Solomon 16:24 / Methodius Discourse on the Resurrection 1:18
- Wisdom of Solomon 16:26 / Clement of Alexandria The Instructor 2.1
- Wisdom of Solomon 16:26 / Deuteronomy 8:3
- Wisdom of Solomon 16:26 / Matthew 4:4
- Wisdom of Solomon 16:29 / Mishnah Berakhot 1:2
- Wisdom of Solomon 17:2 / Matthew 22:13
- Wisdom of Solomon 18:4 / John 8:12
- Wisdom of Solomon 18:5 / Jubilees 48:14 / Sotah 11a
- Wisdom of Solomon 18:12 / Numbers 33:4
- Wisdom of Solomon 18:14 / Revelation 8:1
- Wisdom of Solomon 18:15 / Hebrews 4:12
- Wisdom of Solomon 18:15 / Revelation 2:12
- Wisdom of Solomon 18:15 / Revelation 19:15
- Wisdom of Solomon 18:22 / 4 Maccabees 7:11
- Wisdom of Solomon 18:24 / Baruch 5:2
- Wisdom of Solomon 19:7 / Isaiah 63:13 / Pseudo Jonathan Exodus 15:19
- Wisdom of Solomon 7:17 / Galatians 4:3
- Wisdom of Solomon 7:17 / 1 Kings 4:33
Date: 100-50 B.C.E.
The Wisdom of Solomon presents philosophical questions in a style that is very personal, sounding at times like the protest texts Job and Ecclesiastes. It is indeed confessional like Ecclesiastes, but this is ironic, since Wisdom of Solomon at times appears to oppose the theological message of Ecclesiastes. Wisdom of Solomon is notable for its inclusion in the New Testament canon in the early Christian Muratorian fragment.