New Testament / John / All
- John 1:1 / Wisdom of Solomon 9:9
- John 1:1 / Neofiti Genesis 1:1
- John 1:1 / Genesis Rabbah 1
- John 1:2 / 4 Ezra 6:38
- John 1:3 / Proverbs 8:30
- John 1:3 / Sirach 42:15
- John 1:3 / Philo On the Confusion of Tongues 146
- John 1:5 / Wisdom of Solomon 7:29
- John 1:5 / 2 Baruch 59:2
- John 1:9 / Pseudo Jonathan Genesis 1:3
- John 1:10 / 1 Enoch 42:2
- John 1:10 / Sirach 24:28
- John 1:12 / Sirach 4:10
- John 1:14 / Baruch 3:37
- John 1:14 / Sirach 24:8
- John 1:18 / Archelaus Acts of the Disputation with Manes 5
- John 1:47 / Psalm 32:2
- John 1:51 / Genesis 28:12
- John 2:2 / 1QSa 2
- John 2:6 / Mishnah Kelim 10:1
- John 2:14 / Malachi 3:3
- John 2:19 / Zechariah 6:12
- John 2:19 / Isaiah 53:5 / Jonathan Isaiah 53:5
- John 2:22 / Zechariah 6:12
- John 3:3 / Yevamot 48b
- John 3:3 / Yevamot 62a
- John 3:8 / Sirach 16:21
- John 3:12 / Wisdom of Solomon 9:16
- John 3:14 / Numbers 21:8
- John 3:19 / Testament of Naphtali 2:10
- John 3:21 / Tobit 4:6
- John 4:7 / Genesis 24:15
- John 4:14 / 1 Enoch 48:1
- John 4:36 / 1QS 4
- John 4:37 / Micah 6:15
- John 5:18 / Wisdom of Solomon 2:16
- John 5:22 / 1 Enoch 69:27
- John 5:27 / Ezekiel 37:13
- John 6:27 / Philo Allegorical Interpretation 3
- John 6:27 / Isaiah 55:2
- John 6:31 / Psalm 78:24
- John 6:35 / Sirach 15:3
- John 6:45 / Jonathan Isaiah 55:1
- John 6:49 / Exodus 16:15
- John 7:22 / Mekhilta d'Rabbi Ishmael 31:13
- John 7:22 / Leviticus 12:3
- John 7:23 / Yoma 85b
- John 7:37 / Mishnah Sukkah 4:8
- John 7:38 / Pirkei Avot 6:1
- John 7:38 / 1QH
- John 7:38 / Isaiah 58:11
- John 7:38 / 1 Enoch 48:1
- John 7:52 / Jerusalem Pesachim 5.3
- John 7:52 / Sukkah 28a
- John 8:7 / Psalms of Solomon 4:3
- John 8:12 / Proverbs 6:23
- John 8:12 / Wisdom of Solomon 18:4
- John 8:12 / 1QS 3
- John 8:28 / Neofiti Exodus 29:46
- John 8:34 / Sukkah 52b
- John 8:44 / Wisdom of Solomon 2:24
- John 8:44 / Yevamot 16a
- John 8:56 / Jonathan Isaiah 43:12
- John 9:2 / Sirach 41:5
- John 9:16 / Avodah Zarah 28b
- John 10:12 / Ezekiel 34:5
- John 10:16 / Ezekiel 34:13
- John 10:16 / Isaiah 56:8
- John 10:22 / 1 Maccabees 4:59
- John 11:41 / Psalm 118:21
- John 12:1 / LXX Song of Songs 1:12
- John 12:8 / Deuteronomy 15:11
- John 12:13 / 2 Maccabees 10:7
- John 12:13 / Psalm 118:26
- John 12:28 / Job 37:1
- John 12:28 / Pseudo Jonathan Deuteronomy 34:5
- John 12:32 / Isaiah 33:10
- John 12:32 / Isaiah 52:13
- John 12:34 / Isaiah 57:15
- John 12:34 / Psalm 89:37
- John 12:36 / 1QS 1
- John 12:37 / Neofiti Numbers 14:11
- John 12:37 / LXX Isaiah 6:10
- John 12:41 / Isaiah 6:1 / Jonathan Isaiah 6:1
- John 12:49 / Deuteronomy 18:18
- John 13:18 / Psalm 41:9
- John 14:2 / 1 Enoch 39:4
- John 14:15 / Wisdom of Solomon 6:18
- John 15:6 / Ezekiel 19:12
- John 16:11 / Testament of Judah 20
- John 16:22 / Isaiah 66:14
- John 16:28 / 1 Enoch 42:2
- John 17:3 / Wisdom of Solomon 15:3
- John 17:3 / 4Q418 2
- John 17:12 / Psalm 41:9
- John 18:13 / Pesachim 57a
- John 18:20 / Isaiah 45:19
- John 19:5 / Zechariah 6:12
- John 19:28 / Psalm 69:21
- John 19:28 / Psalm 22:15
- John 19:31 / Deuteronomy 21:22
- John 19:34 / Pseudo Jonathan Numbers 20:8
- John 19:37 / Zechariah 12:10
- John 20:17 / Psalm 22:22
- John 20:22 / Ezekiel 37:5
- John 20:29 / Sanhedrin 100a
- John 21:25 / 1 Maccabees 9:22
Date: 90-110 C.E.
John, the fourth and last canonical Gospel to be written, is significantly different enough from the other three to be considered distinct from the Synoptic tradition. John regards himself in the tradition of the disciple, "whom Jesus loved." and any proposed redactors would have considered themselves in the same tradition. Along with the epistles, the Gospel of John may be a part of a "Johannine school".