1QS 4
Community Rule2 These are the counsels of the spirit to the sons of truth in this world. And as for the visitation of all who walk in this spirit, it shall be healing, great peace in a long life, and fruitfulness, together with every everlasting blessing and eternal joy in life without end, a crown of glory and a garment of majesty in unending light. But the ways of the spirit of falsehood are these: greed, and slackness in the search for righteousness, wickedness and lies, haughtiness and pride, falseness and deceit, cruelty and abundant evil, ill-temper and much folly and brazen insolence, abominable deeds (committed) in a spirit of lust, and ways of lewdness in the service of uncleanness, a blaspheming tongue, blindness of eye and dullness of ear, stiffness of neck and heaviness of heart, so that man walks in all the ways of darkness and guile.
John 4:36
33 So the disciples began to say to one another, “No one brought him anything to eat, did they?” 34 Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of the one who sent me and to complete his work. 35 Don’t you say, ‘There are four more months and then comes the harvest?’ I tell you, look up and see that the fields are already white for harvest! 36 The one who reaps receives pay and gathers fruit for eternal life, so that the one who sows and the one who reaps can rejoice together. 37 For in this instance the saying is true, ‘One sows and another reaps.’ 38 I sent you to reap what you did not work for; others have labored and you have entered into their labor.”
Notes and References
"... For the righteous, the eschatological era is marked by everlasting peace and great joy (Jubilees 23:29-30; 1QS 4:8; 1QM 17:6-8; Testament of Levi 18:4-5; 2 Baruch 73:1-6; Sibylline Oracles 3:371-80) as well as eternal abundance and plenty ... The righteous will receive rewards in heaven ... (5:12; Luke 6:23; 10:41-2; Mark 9:41; 20:28; compare also Luke 6:35; John 4:36; 1 Corinthians 3:8, 14; 9:17-18; 2 John 8; Revelation 11:18; 22:12) ... (Matthew 6:4, 6, 18). In 12:36, 16:27 and 20:8, this verb is used in the extended sense of payment or repayment, either reward or punishment, at the time of the eschaton (compare Romans 2:6; 2 Timothy 4:14; 1 Peter 4:5; Revelation 22:12) ..."
Sim, David C. Apocalyptic Eschatology in the Gospel of Matthew (pp. 49-50; 141) Cambridge University Press, 1996