Neofiti Genesis 49:11


10 Kings shall not cease from among those of the house of Judah and neither (shall) scribes’ teaching the Law from his son’ sons until the time King Messiah shall come, to whom the kingship belongs; to him shall all the kingdoms be subject. 11 How beautiful is King Messiah who is to arise from among those of the house of Judah. He girds his loins and goes forth to battle against those that hate him; and he kills kings with rulers, and makes the mountains red from the blood of their slain and makes the valleys white from the fat of their warriors. His garments are rolled in blood; he is like a presser of grapes. 12 How beautiful are the eyes of King Messiah; more than pure wine, lest he see with them the revealing of nakedness or the shedding of innocent blood. His teeth are purer than milk, lest he eat with them things that are stolen or robbed. The mountains will become red from his vines and the vats from wine; and the hills will become white from the abundance of grain and flocks of sheep. 13 And Zebulun will dwell by the coasts of the Great Sea, and he shall rule over the ports of ships; and his territory shall reach as far as Sidon.

Revelation 19:13

New Testament

11 Then I saw heaven opened and here came a white horse! The one riding it was called “Faithful” and “True,” and with justice he judges and goes to war. 12 His eyes are like a fiery flame and there are many diadem crowns on his head. He has a name written that no one knows except himself. 13 He is dressed in clothing dipped in blood, and he is called the Word of God. 14 The armies that are in heaven, dressed in white, clean, fine linen, were following him on white horses. 15 From his mouth extends a sharp sword so that with it he can strike the nations. He will rule them with an iron rod, and he stomps the winepress of the furious wrath of God, the All-Powerful. 16 He has a name written on his clothing and on his thigh: “King of kings and Lord of lords.”

 Notes and References
"... Revelation 19,13a.l5b is clearly dependent on Isaiah 63,1-6 where Yahweh, depicted as returning after having avenged himself on Edom, is represented as saying: 'I have trodden the winepress alone, and from the peoples no one was with me. I have trod them in my anger and trampled them in my wrath; their lifeblood is sprinkled upon my garments, I have stained all my raiment" (Isaiah 63,3). The Apocalypse has transferred to Christ what the text of Isaiah predicated of Yahweh. This in itself causes no surprise whatever. It is quite possible, however, that the figure of the Warring Messiah which we find in A p 19,13.15 is not the work of the New Testament Seer but was taken over by him from Jewish doctrine. In the Palestinian Targum to Genesis 49,11 we are presented with the same figure of the Messiah we find in Revelation 19,13 ff., i.e. a Warrior with clothes saturated with the blood of his enemies. Like Revelation 19,13.15 the Palestinian Targum borrows the terms of Isaiah 63 to portray the warlike Messiah ..."

McNamara, Martin The New Testament and the Palestinian Targum to the Pentateuch (p. 231) Biblical Institute Press, 1966

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