Leviticus 23:30
29 Indeed, any person who does not behave with humility on this particular day will be cut off from his people. 30 As for any person who does any work on this particular day, I will exterminate that person from the midst of his people— 31 you must not do any work! This is a perpetual statute throughout your generations in all the places where you live.
LXX Leviticus 23:30
29 Any person whosoever will not humble himself on this very day will be utterly destroyed from among his people. 30 And every person whosoever will engage in labor on this very day, that person will be destroyed from his people. 31 You will not perform any work; this is a perpetual law throughout your generations in all your settlements.
Notes and References
"... Cruelty in God ... In Leviticus 23:30 – the context of which has to do with the forbidding of any work on the day of atonement –, the active verb יתדבאה ('I will destroy') is changed to the passive ἀπολεῖται ('will be destroyed'). This involves both accommodation to the context and the diminishment of God’s responsibility for the outcome ..."
Meiser, Martin The Septuagint and Its Reception: Collected Essays (p. 21) Mohr Siebeck, 2022