Jeremiah 36:17

Hebrew Bible

16 When they had heard it all, they expressed their alarm to one another. Then they said to Baruch, “We must certainly give the king a report about everything you have read!” 17 Then they asked Baruch, “How did you come to write all these words? Do they actually come from Jeremiah’s mouth?” 18 Baruch answered, “Yes, they came from his own mouth. He dictated all these words to me, and I wrote them down in ink on this scroll.”

LXX Jeremiah 43:17


16 And this happened when they heard all the words: They each took counsel with his neighbor, and they said, “Reporting, we should report all these words to the king.” 17 And they asked Baruch, saying: “Where did you write all these words?” 18 And Baruch said, “Jeremiah declared all these words to me from his own mouth, and I was writing them in the document.”

 Notes and References
"... The questions seem perfunctory, but the princes need to know something about the scroll's preparation in case the king should ask them. The LXX omits "tell us, would you," and "from his dictation." It also translates the interrogative as "from where?". The Septuagint reading is also perfunctory: "From where did you get these words?" Did they really not know where Baruch got the words? Did they think Baruch was the prophet? The Septuagint deletions should certainly not be defended because "from his dictation" is repeated in Baruch's answer (verse 18). Repetitions of this sort are precisely what we expect in Hebrew discourse, in which questions are not answered by a simple "Yes" or "No." Jones says that the repetition gives emphasis; Weippert believes this double question elicits the double answer in verse 18. The Masoretic text should then be read ..."

Lundbom, Jack R. Jeremiah 21-36: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary (p. 602) Doubleday, 2004

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