Leviticus 3:11

Hebrew Bible

10 the two kidneys with the fat on their sinews, and the protruding lobe on the liver (which he is to remove along with the kidneys). 11 Then the priest must offer it up in smoke on the altar as a food gift to the Lord. 12 “‘If his offering is a goat, he must present it before the Lord,

LXX Leviticus 3:11


10 And both of the kidneys, and the fat that is on them on the thighs, and the lobe that is on the liver with the kidneys, when he has stripped these off, 11 the priest will offer them up on the altar as a sweet-smelling odor, a burnt offering to the Lord 12 ‘But if his gift is from the goats, then he will present it before the Lord

 Notes and References
"... The two Greek manuscripts from Qumran, 4QLXXLeva and 4QpapLXXLevb, which contain the earliest formulation of the Septuagint of Leviticus, are the best candidates to reflect the profile of the translator of that book. The translation technique was free and the translator avoided semitisms. The terminology he chose was less ideological and less standardized. This does not exclude any ideological approach in his translation, since in Leviticus 3:11 he clearly avoided, on ideological grounds we may suppose, the notion that God should receive “bread”. The other aspect of the translation I pointed out is that it was closer the Samaritan Pentateuch than the actual edited Septuagint (Rahlfs). Thus, the literal aspect, the word-by-word technique of translation of the edited Septuagint15 are the result of a later recension. Therefore, although the two Greek manuscripts of Leviticus from Qumran are fragmentary, they allow us to recover the closest and the earliest text of the Septuagint, as well as the earliest profile of the translator ..."

Himbaza, Innocent "The Edited Septuagint of Leviticus is Not the Septuagint: A Plea for a Paradigm Shift" in Himbaza, Innocent (ed.) The Text of Leviticus: Proceedings of the Third International Colloquium of the Dominique Barthélemy Institute (pp. 107-120) Peeters, 2020

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