Leviticus 11:15
13 “‘These you are to detest from among the birds—they must not be eaten, because they are detestable: the griffon vulture, the bearded vulture, the black vulture, 14 the kite, the buzzard of any kind, 15 every kind of crow, 16 the eagle owl, the short-eared owl, the long-eared owl, the hawk of any kind, 17 the little owl, the cormorant, the screech owl,
LXX Leviticus 11:15
13 ‘And these are the animals that you will consider an abomination from the birds, and they will not be eaten; they are an abomination: the eagle and the griffin and the sea-eagle 14 and the vulture and the kite and the birds resembling it 15 and the sparrow and the owl and the seagull and the birds resembling it 16 and the hawk and the birds resembling it 17 and the horned owl and cormorant and the ibis
Notes and References
"... In the case of the birds of Leviticus 11, however, B’s reading finds the support of the recently published Greek manuscript of Leviticus from the Schøyen collection (MS 2649). With only one exception, the list preserved by the two texts is strictly identical. This observation implies, in turn, that the list preserved by B largely goes back to a pre-uncial version of this list, which is still reflected in MS 2649, and which de facto represents one of the earliest attainable stages (if not the earliest stage) of the Greek version of Leviticus 11:13-19. For the rest, in the absence of additional evidence, we can only speculate about what earlier forms of this chapter in Greek may have looked like ... The first difference concerns the raven, which is listed as bird number 6 in the Masoretic and Samaritan texts of both Leviticus and Deuteronomy, but which is consistently missing from the Greek text of these books represented by A and B (with MS 2649), as well as from several other Greek manuscripts. Most likely, therefore, the raven was omitted from the Old Greek of Leviticus and Deuteronomy ..."
Angelini, Anna and Christophe Nihan "Unclean Birds in the Hebrew and Greek Versions of Leviticus and Deuteronomy" in Himbaza, Innocent (ed.) The Text of Leviticus: Proceedings of the Third International Colloquium of the Dominique Barthélemy Institute (pp. 39-68) Peeters, 2020