Isaiah 8:14

Hebrew Bible

13 You must recognize the authority of the Lord of Heaven’s Armies. He is the one you must respect; he is the one you must fear. 14 He will become a sanctuary, but a stone that makes a person trip and a rock that makes one stumble—to the two houses of Israel. He will become a trap and a snare to the residents of Jerusalem. 15 Many will stumble over the stone and the rock, and will fall and be seriously injured, and will be ensnared and captured.”

LXX Isaiah 8:14


13 Sanctify the Lord himself, and he himself will be your fear. 14 And if you trust in him, he will become your holy precinct, and you will not encounter him as a stumbling caused by a stone nor as a fall caused by a rock, but the house of Iakob is in a trap, and those who sit in Ierousalem are in a pit. 15 Therefore, many among them shall become powerless, and they shall fall and be crushed, and people who are in safety shall draw near and be taken.

 Notes and References
"... Baer thinks he can detect in the Greek Isaiah the translator’s inclination towards downgrading idolatrous practices and avoiding mythological language. In his monograph Baer offers several illustrations of this kind, but here I shall just very briefly mention the ones that entail a plus or a minus ... Isaiah 8:14: A similar avoidance of the metaphor “rock” for denoting God can be observed in Isaiah 17:10; 26:4; 30:29; and 44:8 ..."

Vorm-Croughs, Mirjam van der The Old Greek of Isaiah: An Analysis of its Pluses and Minuses (pp. 468-469) Society of Biblical Literature, 2014

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