Proverbs 23:27

Hebrew Bible

26 Give me your heart, my son, and let your eyes observe my ways; 27 for a prostitute is like a deep pit; a harlot is like a narrow well. 28 Indeed, she lies in wait like a robber and increases the unfaithful among men.

Plato Dialogue with Gorgias 493b


a tale in which he called the soul—because of its believing and make-believe nature—a vessel, and the ignorant he called the uninitiated or leaky, and the place in the souls of the uninitiated in which the desires are seated, being the intemperate and incontinent part, he compared to a leaky vessel full of holes, because it can never be satisfied. He is not of your way of thinking, Callicles, for he declares, that of all the souls in Hades, meaning the invisible world, these uninitiated or leaky persons are the most miserable, and that they pour water into a vessel which is full of holes out of a colander which is similarly perforated. The colander, as my informer assures me, is the soul, and the

LXX Proverbs 23:27


26 Give me, son, your heart, and may your eyes keep my ways. 27 For another’s house is a leaky wine jar, and another’s cistern is narrow. 28 For this will suddenly perish, and every lawbreaker will be destroyed.

 Notes and References
"... LXX Proverbs 23:27 ... πίθος γὰρ τετρημένος ἐστὶν ἀλλότριος οἶκος, “for someone else’s house is a perforated wine jar.” The corresponding Hebrew text is “for a prostitute is a deep pit”. In thus recasting the Hebrew proverb, the translator is alluding to a Greek proverb, εἰς τὸν τετρημένον πίθον ἀντλεῖν, “to pour into a perforated wine jar”. This picture of futile labor is applied by Plato to insatiable appetites (Gorgias 493B), and that may also be what the present verse has in mind ..."

Wolters, Albert M. Septuagint Commentary Series: Proverbs (p. 228) Brill, 2020

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