Proverbs 1:3

Hebrew Bible

1 The proverbs of Solomon, son of David, king of Israel: 2 To learn wisdom and moral instruction, to discern wise counsel. 3 To receive moral instruction in skillful living, with righteousness, justice, and equity. 4 To impart shrewdness to the morally naive, a discerning plan to the young person.

LXX Proverbs 1:3


1 Proverbs of Solomon, son of David, who ruled in Israel: 2 to know wisdom and discipline, and to understand words of insight, 3 and to receive subtlety of words, and to understand true righteousness, and to direct a judgment, 4 so that it may give cunning to the naive and both experience and insight to a young child.

 Notes and References
"... LXX Proverbs 1:3 ... στροφὰς λόγων, “windings of words” There is a great variety in the translations of this enigmatic phrase. Consider the following proposals: “the interpretation of sentences” (Thomson), “hard sayings” (Brenton), “the subtlety of words” (NETS) ... “twistings of words” (Fox), and “byways of words” (King). A similar variety is found in the lexica ... In his discussion of the phrase Cook gives the translation “the inventive dealing in words”. He suggests that it is a technical term by which the translator is “stressing the nuance of ‘problematic, complicated’” ..."

Wolters, Albert M. Septuagint Commentary Series: Proverbs (p. 126) Brill, 2020

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