John 1:5
3 All things were created by him, and apart from him not one thing was created that has been created. 4 In him was life, and the life was the light of mankind. 5 And the light shines on in the darkness, but the darkness has not mastered it. 6 A man came, sent from God, whose name was John. 7 He came as a witness to testify about the light, so that everyone might believe through him.
2 Baruch 59:2
Syriac Apocalypse of Baruch1 And the bright fourth waters which you have seen are the advent of Moses and Aaron and Miriam and Joshua the son of Nun and Caleb and of all those like them. 2 For at that time the lamp of the eternal law shone on all those who sat in darkness, which announced to them that believe the promise of their reward, and to them that deny, the torment of fire which is reserved for them. 3 But also the heavens at that time were shaken from their place, and those who were under the throne of the Mighty One were perturbed, when He was taking Moses to Himself 4 For He showed him many admonitions together with the principles of the law and the consummation of the times, as also to you, and likewise the pattern of Zion and its measures, in the pattern of which the sanctuary of the present time was to be made.
Notes and References
"... As in the Old Testament, Wisdom and Torah embody light. In Wisdom of Solomon 6:12, wisdom is considered to be glorious and will never fade away. Those who love wisdom find her. The glory of wisdom has no end ... Wisdom is superior to all the luminaries created by God. Wisdom has always been shining since before everything was created. Because she has been shining, evil cannot prevail against wisdom (Wisdom of Solomon 7:29-30). The Dead Sea Scrolls (1QS 2:3) also acknowledge that wisdom gives light and life that last into eternity. Wisdom is the fountain of righteousness and a spring of glory (1QS 11:5-6). She is a source of guidance, illumination that changes behavior, and quality of life. On the other hand, obedience to the Torah is a source of light. The law is a lamp that lighted the way for the generations of Israel (2 Baruch 17:14). The law came from the true light, 'He who lighted took from the light, and there are few who imitated him (Moses). But many whom he illumined took from the darkness of Adam and did not rejoice in the light of the lamp' (2 Baruch 18:2). The phrase 'took from the light' could help to explain John 1:9, 'The true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world.' Also, '...did not rejoice in the light of the lamp' could also help to explain John 3:19, 'This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.' 'Their deeds were evil'; in 2 Baruch 18:2 they disobeyed the law because of the darkness they received from Adam. The darkness initiated by Adam continues to this day. Still in 2 Baruch (59:2), '...the lamp of the eternal law which exists forever and ever illuminated those who sat in darkness. This law will announce to those who believe the promise of their reward and to those who deny the punishment of the fire which is kept for them.' The purpose of the law was to shine in darkness so that people can find their way. Those that rejected it stand eternally condemned. John 1:5, talks about the light that shines in the darkness, which the darkness has not understood. Those who believe in the Son of God (the Light) are not condemned and those who reject him stay condemned (John 3:18) ..."
Manzanga, Peter A Study of the Background of the Concepts "Life" and "Light" in the Prologue of the Fourth Gospel (pp. 67-68) George Whitfield College, Muizenberg, 2010