Exodus 29:31

Hebrew Bible

30 The priest who succeeds him from his sons, when he first comes to the tent of meeting to minister in the Holy Place, is to wear them for seven days. 31You are to take the ram of the consecration and cook its meat in a holy place. 32 Aaron and his sons are to eat the meat of the ram and the bread that was in the basket at the entrance of the tent of meeting.

Leviticus 8:31

Hebrew Bible

30 Then Moses took some of the anointing oil and some of the blood which was on the altar and sprinkled it on Aaron and his garments, and on his sons and his sons’ garments. So he consecrated Aaron, his garments, and his sons and his sons’ garments. 31 Then Moses said to Aaron and his sons, “Boil the meat at the entrance of the Meeting Tent, and there you are to eat it and the bread which is in the ordination-offering basket, just as I have commanded, saying, ‘Aaron and his sons are to eat it,’ 32 but the remainder of the meat and the bread you must burn with fire.

 Notes and References

"... Exodus seems to indicate that Moses was told by God to boil the flesh but Ibn Ezra explains that Exodus really means that Moses was commanded to instruct the priests to do so as this verse states clearly ..."

Drazin, Israel, and Stanley M. Wagner Onkelos on the Torah, Leviticus: Understanding the Bible Text (p. 54) Gefen, 2006

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