Jubilees 19:8


7 All the time of Sarah's life was 127 — that is, two jubilees, four weeks, and one year. This was the time in years of Sarah's life. 8 This was the tenth test by which Abraham was tried, and he was found to be faithful and patient in spirit. 9 He said nothing about the promise of the land which said that the Lord would give it to him and his descendants after him. He pleaded for a place there to bury his dead because he was found to be faithful and was recorded on the heavenly tablets as the friend of the Lord.

Pirkei Avot 5:3


2 [There were] ten generations from Adam to Noah, in order to make known what long-suffering is His; for all those generations kept on provoking Him, until He brought upon them the waters of the flood. [There were] ten generations from Noah to Abraham, in order to make known what long-suffering is His; for all those generations kept on provoking Him, until Abraham, came and received the reward of all of them. 3 With ten trials was Abraham, our father (may he rest in peace), tried, and he withstood them all; to make known how great was the love of Abraham, our father (peace be upon him). 4 Ten miracles were wrought for our ancestors in Egypt, and ten at the sea. Ten plagues did the Holy one, blessed be He, bring upon the Egyptians in Egypt and ten at the sea. [With] ten trials did our ancestors try God, blessed be He, as it is said, “and they have tried Me these ten times and they have not listened to my voice” (Numbers 14:22).

 Notes and References
"... And so, for ancient interpreters, Abraham's "image" was primarily that of 'Abraham the Tested,' the one who had been tried repeatedly by God ... The list in Jubilees above mentions seven tests specifically, but elsewhere it is asserted that Abraham underwent no fewer than ten such trials ..."

Kugel, James L. The Bible as it Was (pp. 168-169) Harvard University Press, 1998

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