1 Enoch 5:6


1 Observe how the trees clothe themselves in green leaves and produce fruit: therefore, pay attention and understand all His creations, and realize how the Eternal One has made them so. 2 And all His works continue year after year forever, and all the tasks they perform for Him, and their tasks do not change, but happen just as God has decreed. 3 And see how the sea and the rivers also fulfill their tasks unchangingly according to His commands. 4 But you have not remained faithful, nor have you obeyed the Lord's commandments. Instead, you have turned away and spoken arrogantly and harshly with your impure mouths against His greatness. Oh, you stubborn-hearted, you will find no peace. 5 Therefore, you will curse your own days, and the years of your life will vanish, and the years of your doom will increase in eternal condemnation, and you will find no mercy. 6 In those days, your names will become a curse forever to all the righteous, and all who curse will use your name, and all the sinners and the godless will swear by your name. 7 And all the righteous will rejoice, and there will be forgiveness of sins, and every kind of mercy and peace and tolerance: There will be salvation for them, a splendid light. And for you sinners, there will be no salvation, but a curse will remain on you all.

Sanhedrin 108a

Babylonian Talmud

The Sages taught in a baraita (Tosefta, Sota 3:10): The generation of the flood became haughty and sinned due only to the excessive goodness that the Holy One, Blessed be He, bestowed upon them. And what is written concerning them, indicating that goodness? “Their houses are safe without fear, nor is the rod of God upon them” (Job 21:9). And it is written: “Their bull sires, and will not fall; their cow calves, and does not cast her calf” (Job 21:10). And it is written: “They send forth their little ones like a flock, and their children dance” (Job 21:11). And it is written: “They sing to the timbrel and harp, and rejoice at the sound of the pipe” (Job 21:12). And it is written: “They shall spend their days in prosperity, and their years in pleasures” (Job 36:11). And it is written: “And peacefully they go down to the grave” (Job 21:13).

 Notes and References
"... In order to illustrate the overbearing arrogance of the Generation of the Flood towards God, the early Tanna, Rabbi Akiva, cites a verse which figures prominently in Aggadic sources relating to the Antediluvians, Job 21:15 (See Avot d'Rabbi Natan, Version A) ... Akiva's association of Job 21:15 with the very early tradition of Antediluvians' rejection of Divine Authority, (See 1 Enoch 8:2-3, also 5:6; 2 Enoch 34:1-2 - recensions A and B) which is a major theme in rabbinic Aggadah, may presuppose a more comprehensive exposition of a whole series of verses from chapter 21, which occurs widely in tannaitic sources. The detailed account of the well-being of the wicked contained in verses 9-13 was regarded by early rabbinic exegetes as a record of the considerable prosperity bestowed by God upon the Generation of the Flood, who responded with an arrogant denial of their Benefactor's authority ..."

Jacobs, Irving The Midrashic Process: Tradition and Interpretation in Rabbinic Judaism (p. 27) Cambridge University Press, 1995

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