Hebrew Bible / 2 Samuel / 22
- 2 Samuel 22:5 / Psalm 69:15
- 2 Samuel 22:5 / Job 26:5
- 2 Samuel 22:7 / Isaiah 6:1
- 2 Samuel 22:8 / Job 26:11
- 2 Samuel 22:8 / Job 9:6
- 2 Samuel 22:8 / Isaiah 13:13
- 2 Samuel 22:9 / 2 Samuel 22:9
- 2 Samuel 22:11 / Psalm 18:7
- 2 Samuel 22:11 / Ezekiel 9:3
- 2 Samuel 22:11 / KTU I.3
- 2 Samuel 22:11 / Psalm 18:10
- 2 Samuel 22:11 / Habakkuk 3:10
- 2 Samuel 22:14 / Amos 1:2
- 2 Samuel 22:15 / Ezekiel 1:4
- 2 Samuel 22:16 / Exodus 15:8
- 2 Samuel 22:16 / 1 Enoch 101:7
- 2 Samuel 22:34 / Habakkuk 3:19
- 2 Samuel 22:34 / Psalm 18:33
Date: 6th Century B.C.E. (Final composition)
The books of Samuel were originally one book. In the Septuagint it was divided into two, owing to its length, and the Christian tradition followed this division. In Hebrew Bibles used by the Jewish community, this division was not made before the 15th century, under the influence of the Vulgate. The book of Samuel consists chiefly of narratives, which are supplemented with a few songs, lists, and brief notices. Its central concern is with the personal life of the leaders. Their aspirations, feelings, and passions are depicted realistically, displaying negative qualities as well as positive ones.