Sirach 21:22

Ben Sira, Ecclesiasticus

19 To a senseless person education is fetters on his feet, and like manacles on his right hand. 20 A fool raises his voice when he laughs, but the wise smile quietly. 21 To the sensible person education is like a golden ornament, and like a bracelet on the right arm. 22 The foot of a fool rushes into a house, but an experienced person waits respectfully outside. 23 A boor peers into the house from the door, but a cultivated person remains outside. 24 It is ill-mannered for a person to listen at a door; the discreet would be grieved by the disgrace.

Niddah 16b

Babylonian Talmud

The Gemara asks: And Rabbi Yoḥanan, how does he interpret that verse cited by Reish Lakish? The Gemara answers that Rabbi Yoḥanan requires that verse: “But he who despises his ways shall die,” to teach that which is written in the book of ben Sira: Three people I have hated, and a fourth I have not loved: A minister who frequents [hanirgal] drinking houses, as he disgraces himself and leads himself to ruin and death; and some say a different version of the text: A minister who chats [hanirgan] in drinking houses; and some say a third version: A minister who is short-tempered [hanirgaz] when in drinking houses. That is the first that he hated. And the others are one who dwells at the highest point of the city, where everyone sees him; and one who holds his penis and urinates. And the fourth, whom he has not loved, is one who enters the house of another suddenly, without warning. Rabbi Yoḥanan says: And this includes even one who comes into his own house without prior warning, as the members of his household might be engaged in private activities.

 Notes and References
"... Sirach's adherence to the ancient limitation of the term is hinted at in his caution against unexpected, inconsiderate entry into a house. A Talmudic reference uses pith'om, while a more trustworthy quote from a Midrashic work uses 'hastily', 'soon', or 'mehera': 'The foot of a fool is soon into a house'. (refer Sirach 21.22; Greek tachys. See B. Nidda 16b, Pirqa deRabenu Haqadosh, Baba deShisha). The Talmudic excerpt includes content not evident in Sirach; the Midrashic version is superior. It's worth noting that Sirach is likely referring to entering another person's house, not one's own, which could be relevant in the context of future Rabbinic discussions ..."

Daube, David The Sudden in the Scriptures (p. 8) Brill, 1964

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