Ezekiel 23:20

Hebrew Bible

19 Yet she increased her prostitution, remembering the days of her youth when she engaged in prostitution in the land of Egypt. 20 She lusted after her lovers there, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of stallions. 21 This is how you assessed the obscene conduct of your youth, when the Egyptians fondled your nipples and squeezed your young breasts.

LXX Ezekiel 23:20


19 ‘But you increased your prostitution to bring to remembrance the day of your youth in which you prostituted in Egypt, 20 and you laid upon the Chaldeans, whose flesh was like that of donkeys, and their private parts like private parts of horses. 21 And you considered the lawlessness of your youth, which you used to do in Egypt in your lodging, where the breasts of your youth were.

 Notes and References
"... the ancient versions seem to have exercised some form of censorship on the Hebrew text of Ezekiel. The LXX had three different translators producing a very uneven Greek text that lacks consistency in the treatment of its key terms and message. Moreover, the book being replete with Akkadianisms and Aramaisms it was relatively easy to mistranslate whenever the statements became too dangerous and was deemed that the invective needed to be toned down. An example is the expression māʾ ʾamulâ libbātēk “How filled with anger I am against you,” in Ezekiel 16:30 that none of the versions translated correctly, though the Akkadian-Aramaic idiom (libbāti malû and ךתבל אלמ “filled with anger”) was well-known in the Aramaic of Daniel 3:19 and in Hebrew of Esther 3:5 ..."

Bodi, Daniel "When YHWH's Wife, Jerusalem, Became a Strange Woman: Inversion of Values in Ezekiel 16 in Light of Ištar Cult" in Berlejung, Angelika, and Marianne Grohmann (eds.) Foreign Women - Women in Foreign Lands: Studies on Foreignness and Gender in the Hebrew Bible and the Ancient Near East in the First Millennium BCE (pp. 77-108) Mohr Siebeck, 2019

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