1QS 1

Community Rule
Dead Sea Scrolls

2 He shall admit into the Covenant of Grace all those who have freely devoted themselves to the observance of God's precepts, that they may be joined to the counsel of God and may live perfectly before Him in accordance with all that has been revealed concerning their appointed times, and that they may love all the sons of light, each according to his lot in God's design, and hate all the sons of darkness, each according to his guilt in God's vengeance.

John 12:36

New Testament

34 Then the crowd responded, “We have heard from the law that the Christ will remain forever. How can you say, ‘The Son of Man must be lifted up’? Who is this Son of Man?” 35 Jesus replied, “The light is with you for a little while longer. Walk while you have the light, so that the darkness may not overtake you. The one who walks in the darkness does not know where he is going. 36 While you have the light, believe in the light, so that you may become sons of light.” When Jesus had said these things, he went away and hid himself from them.

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 Notes and References

"... The New Testament - particularly the Gospel of John - shares with the scrolls a dualistic theology in which good and evil emanate from two different cosmic sources. History is thus a cosmic struggle between good (light) and evil (darkness). The so-called War Scroll from Qumran describes an apocalyptic battle between the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness. The Manual of Discipline admonishes: "Love all the Sons of Light.... Hate all the Sons of Darkness. . .. Love all that He has chosen and hate all that He has rejected." In the Gospel of John, Jesus describes himself as the light of the world; he who follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life" (John 8:12; see also John 1:5; 3:19-20). The followers of Jesus are referred to as "the sons of the light" (John 12:35-36). In the parable of the unjust steward, Jesus also speaks of the "'sons of light" (Luke 6:8). The Gospels of Luke and John were composed about two hundred years after the Manual of Discipline (Luke about 80 A.D.; John about 100 A.D.; the Manual of Discipline about 100 B.C.). Many varieties of dualistic doctrines with subtle and often vague differences were circulating at the time, ranging from Neoplatonism to Persian Zoroastrianism to Christian and Jewish Gnosticism. Dualistic theologies are also reflected in such Jewish apocryphal books as Jubilees and the Testaments of the Patriarchs, so while the similarities between the New Testament and the Dead Sea Scrolls do not necessarily imply a direct connection, they do share a worldview ..."

Shanks, Hershel The Mystery and Meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls (pp. pps. 75-76) Random House, 1998

"... To turn to another field, in The War of the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness we find an irreconcilable opposition between the darkness and the light: the sons of men are divided as they belong to either of these two forces. The same antithesis appears in the Damascus Document 3:13 through 4:26, a section which gives us in a brief compass the theology of the Sect. A comparison of this with the Fourth Gospel reveals a striking similarity. In John (12:36) Christians also are the sons of light, and the dualism of the Scrolls finds an echo in the Gospel ..."

Davies, W. D. Christian Origins and Judaism (pp. 102-103) Westminster Press, 1962

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