1 Samuel 13:3
1 Saul was [thirty] years old when he began to reign; he ruled over Israel for [forty] years. 2 Saul selected for himself 3,000 men from Israel. Of these 2,000 were with Saul at Micmash and in the hill country of Bethel; the remaining 1,000 were with Jonathan at Gibeah in the territory of Benjamin. He sent all the rest of the people back home. 3 Jonathan attacked the Philistine outpost that was at Geba and the Philistines heard about it. Then Saul alerted all the land saying, “Let the Hebrews pay attention!” 4 All Israel heard this message, “Saul has attacked the Philistine outpost, and now Israel is repulsive to the Philistines!” So the people were summoned to join Saul at Gilgal. 5 Meanwhile the Philistines gathered to battle with Israel. Then they went up against Israel with 3,000 chariots, 6,000 horsemen, and an army as numerous as the sand on the seashore. They went up and camped at Micmash, east of Beth Aven.
LXX 1 Samuel 13:3
1 2 And Saul chose three thousand men for himself from the men of Israel. There were also two thousand with Saul at Michmash. And in the mountainous region of Bethel, there were one thousand with Jonathan at Gibeah of Benjamin. And as for the rest of the people, Saul sent them away, each to his own tent. 3 And Jonathan struck Nasib the foreigner from the hill country. But the foreigners found out, so Saul sounded a trumpet to the entire land, saying, “The slaves have rebelled!” 4 And all Israel heard them saying that Saul has fought Nasib the foreigner, and Israel was disgraced among the foreigners. So the sons of Israel went up following Saul in Gilgal.
Notes and References
"... The text-critical analysis of the LXX starts with an attempt to establish a relationship between all words in the LXX and MT. For this purpose all elements in the LXX that seem to reflect MT are first isolated (compare pp. 44–48 above). At that point we may recognize a few elements that could reflect a different Hebrew Vorlage ... The next step involves isolating the elements in the LXX that could reflect Hebrew readings different from the Masoretic text (step two). After that, one attempts to identify which Hebrew words the translator had in front of him or had in mind (step three). In practice, these last two steps often coincide, because the scholar’s intuition may lead to the assumption that a specific Greek word reflects a certain variant, especially when a textual error is assumed either in the LXX or in MT. It is not difficult to recognize in the following example that οἱ δοῦλοι does not reflect “the Hebrews” of the Masoretic (םירבעה), but rather םידבעה (“the slaves”; compare the equivalence דבע—δοῦλος passim in the LXX), which is graphically very close ... (1 Samuel 13:3) ... This applies also to a reverse example in the same biblical book ..."
Tov, Emanuel The Text-Critical use of the Septuagint in Biblical Research (pp. 63-64) Eisenbrauns, 2015