Isaiah 1:9

Hebrew Bible

8 Daughter Zion is left isolated, like a hut in a vineyard or a shelter in a cucumber field; she is a besieged city. 9 If the Lord of Heaven’s Armies had not left us a few survivors, we would have quickly been like Sodom, we would have become like Gomorrah. 10 Listen to the Lord’s message, you leaders of Sodom! Pay attention to our God’s rebuke, people of Gomorrah!

LXX Isaiah 1:9


8 Daughter Sion will be forsaken like a booth in a vineyard and like a garden-watcher’s hut in a cucumber field, like a besieged city. 9 And if the Lord Sabaoth had not left us offspring, we would have become like Sodoma and been made similar to Gomorra. 10 Hear the word of the Lord, you rulers of Sodoma! Pay attention to the law of God, you people of Gomorra!

 Notes and References

"... Re-thinking history leads to piety: God had punished Israel by exiling and martyrdom; Israel, however, had not been totally destroyed but was alive. In Isaiah 1:9, the Greek translator deliberately left out the modifier “little” because he “actualized the text in the light of a very considerable Jewish community in Palestine and the Diaspora, which was, for the translator, no small thing” ..."

Meiser, Martin The Septuagint and Its Reception: Collected Essays (p. 105) Mohr Siebeck, 2022

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