1 Enoch 85:3


2 And Enoch raised his voice and spoke to his son Methuselah: 'To you, my son, I will speak: listen to my words--pay attention to the dream-vision of your father. 3 Before I married your mother Edna, I saw in a vision on my bed, and behold a bull emerged from the earth, and this bull was white; and after it came a heifer, and along with this heifer came forth two bulls, one of them black and the other red. 4 And the black bull attacked the red one and chased him across the earth, and then I could no longer see the red bull.

Jubilees 4:20


19 While he slept he saw in a vision what has happened and what will occur — how things will happen for mankind during their history until the day of judgment. He saw everything and understood. He wrote a testimony for himself and placed it upon the earth against all mankind and for their history. 20 During the twelfth jubilee, in its seventh week [582-88] he took a wife for himself. Her name was Edni, the daughter of Daniel, the daughter of his father's brother. In the sixth year of this week [587] she gave birth to a son for him, and he named him Methuselah. 21 He was, moreover, with God's angels for six jubilees of years. They showed him everything on earth and in the heavens — the dominion of the sun — and he wrote down everything.

 Notes and References
"... Jubilees 4:20 ... Enoch's wife, Jubilees notes, was Edni ... 'Edna' in 1 Enoch 85:3 ..."

Kugel, James L. A Walk through Jubilees: Studies in the Book of Jubilees and the World of Its Creation (p. 49) Brill, 2012

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