1 Enoch 71:17


15 He told me, 'He proclaims peace to you in the name of the world to come. Since the world's creation, peace has emanated from here, and so it will be for you forever.' 16 'All will follow his path because righteousness never leaves him. They will dwell with him, and their inheritance will be with him, never to be separated from him forever.' 17 'Thus, the Son of Man will have long days, and the righteous will have peace and walk in upright ways in the name of the Lord of Spirits forever.'

Jubilees 4:18


17 He was the first of mankind who were born on the earth who learned the art of writing, instruction, and wisdom and who wrote down in a book the signs of the sky in accord with the fixed pattern of their months so that mankind would know the seasons of the years according to the fixed patterns of each of their months. 18 He was the first to write a testimony. He testified to mankind in the generations of the earth: The weeks of the jubilees he related, and made known the days of the years; the months he arranged, and related the sabbaths of the years, as we had told him. 19 While he slept he saw in a vision what has happened and what will occur — how things will happen for mankind during their history until the day of judgment. He saw everything and understood. He wrote a testimony for himself and placed it upon the earth against all mankind and for their history.

 Notes and References
"... He was the first to write a testimony (apparently, a warning) in which he testifed to [better: warned] mankind in [better: throughout] the generations of the earth: The weeks of the jubilees he related, presumably, how the passage of time is reckoned through these 49-year periods and their seven-year sub-units, and he made known the days of the years, that is, how many days there are in a solar and lunar year: see 1 Enoch 72-74 ..."

Kugel, James L. A Walk through Jubilees: Studies in the Book of Jubilees and the World of Its Creation (p. 48) Brill, 2012

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