Jubilees 17:16


15 During the seventh week, in the first year during the first month — on the twelfth of this month — in this jubilee [2003], there were voices in heaven regarding Abraham, that he was faithful in everything that he told him, that the Lord loved him, and that in every difficulty he was faithful. 16 Then Prince Mastema came and said before God: ‘Abraham does indeed love his son Isaac and finds him more pleasing than anyone else. Tell him to offer him as a sacrifice on an altar. Then you will see whether he performs this order and will know whether he is faithful in everything through which you test him.’ 17 Now the Lord was aware that Abraham was faithful in every difficulty which he had told him. For he had tested him through his land and the famine; he had tested him through the wealth of kings; he had tested him again through his wife when she was taken forcibly, and through circumcision; and he had tested him through Ishmael and his servant girl Hagar when he sent them away. 18 In everything through which he tested him he was found faithful. He himself did not grow impatient, nor was he slow to act; for he was faithful and one who loved the Lord.

Pseudo Philo Biblical Antiquities 32:2


1 Then Deborah and Barak, son of Abinoam, along with all the people, sang a hymn to the Lord on that day, saying: "See, from on high the Lord has shown us his glory, just as he did in the past when he sent forth his voice to confuse the languages of men. He selected our nation, rescued Abraham our forefather from the fire, chose him above all his brothers, shielded him from the fire, delivered him from the bricks of the tower's construction, and gave him a son in his old age, brought him from a barren womb, and all the angels envied him, and the commanders of the hosts were jealous of him. 2 When they were jealous of him, God said to him: "Sacrifice for me your child and offer for me that which I gave to you." Abraham did not contradict him and immediately went forth. As he went, he said to his son: "Now, my son, I offer you for a burnt offering and surrender you to him who gave you to me."

 Notes and References
"... But even this inspiring narrative raised questions for early interpreters. Why, to begin with, should God want to test Abraham? Certainly not in order to find out whether Abraham was worthy. For, as we have just seen, Abraham had already proven himself worthy many times in the past ... In seeking the answer to these questions, interpreters looked to other parts of the Bible, in particular, to the book of Job, another biblical figure whom God had tested. In his case, however, the test was initiated not by God but by Satan, who in effect challenged God's high opinion of Job: 'Do some harm to him, indeed, afflict all that he has, and then see if he does not curse You to Your face' (Job 1:11). To ancient interpreters it seemed plausible that, with regard to Abraham as well, God may have received a challenge from Satan or some other angel(s) ..."

Kugel, James L. The Bible as it Was (pp. 170-171) Harvard University Press, 1998

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