1 Enoch 22:9


7 And he answered me saying: 'This is the spirit of Abel, whom his brother Cain killed, and he pleads against him until his seed is wiped from the face of the earth, and his descendants are destroyed among the seed of men.' 8 Then I asked about it, and about all the hollow places: 'Why is one separated from the other?' 9 And he answered me and said: 'These three have been made so that the spirits of the dead might be separated. And such a division has been made for the spirits of the righteous, which includes the bright spring of 10 water. And one has been made for sinners when they die and are buried in the earth and judgement has not been executed on them in their 11 lifetime. Here their spirits shall be kept in great pain until the great day of judgement and punishment and torment of those who are cursed forever, and retribution for their spirits. There

4 Ezra 7:36

2 Esdras

34 Judgment alone shall remain; truth shall stand firm and faithfulness be strong; 35 recompense shall at once begin and open payment be made; good deeds shall awake and wicked deeds shall not be allowed to sleep. 36 Then the place of torment shall appear and over against it the place of rest; the furnace of hell shall be displayed, and on the opposite side the paradise of delight. 37 ‘Then the Most High shall say to the nations that have been raised from the dead: “Look and understand who it is you have denied and refused to 38 serve, and whose commandment you have despised. Look on this side, then on that: here are rest and delight, there fire and torments.”

 Notes and References
"... Sometimes, the dead are described as being asleep without any consciousness, even being in peace. In the Epistle of Enoch, 1 Enoch 102:5–11, for example, the righteous who have perished appear to become like “those who were not.” In Wisdom of Solomon 2:1 a person comes to his/her end at death. In 4 Ezra 7:32 the dead are pictured as sleeping. In 2 Baruch 11:4 the righteous sleep “at rest in the earth.” In contrast, the sleep of the wicked is, at least once, called “haunted.” In Psalms of Solomon 14:9 the inheritance of the wicked is hades, darkness, and damnation, though it could be argued that this is meant to describe the final judgment. In the same work, at 2:2 people who die are as though they had never been. In other ways, the picture is decidedly different from the Old Testament. Sometimes hades, no more associated with the dust, becomes a hollow place in the earth. Often, the bodies remain in the grave and what goes to these hollow places is the immaterial souls or spirits. The idea of soul “chambers” or “treasuries” is fairly frequent. Often the chambers are common to all souls, but at least in two instances the righteous are distinguished from the wicked. In 1 Enoch 22:1–14 the seer sees four hollow places under the earth to which the souls go according to how good they were while alive. In Pseudo-Philo 15:5 the place for wicked souls is called “chambers of darkness” which differentiates them from the “secret dwelling places of souls” (21:9) where apparently the remaining dead go ..."

Papaioannou, Kim, and Edward Fudge The Geography of Hell in the Teaching of Jesus (p. 91) Pickwick Publications, 2013

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