Psalm 119:85
83 For I am like a wineskin dried up in smoke. I do not forget your statutes. 84 How long must your servant endure this? When will you judge those who pursue me? 85 The arrogant dig pits to trap me, which violates your law. 86 All your commands are reliable. I am pursued without reason. Help me! 87 They have almost destroyed me here on the earth, but I do not reject your precepts.
LXX Psalm 118:85
84 How many are the days of your servant? When will you make judgment for me against those who are persecuting me? 85 Lawless persons described idle tales to me, but not like your law, O Lord. 86 All your commandments are truth; unjustly they persecuted me. Help me! 87 They almost put an end to me in the earth. But I did not forsake your commandments. 88 I will have life according to your mercy, and I will keep the testimonies of your mouth.
Notes and References
"... Psalm 118:85 LXX also refers to verbosity in negative terms, describing how the lawless (παράνομοι) annoy the Psalmist with idle words (ἀδολεσχίας). Such Jewish examples of criticism of verbose prayers have led some commentators to read Matthew 6:7 as a problem internal to Judaism ... See also 2 Kings 9:11 LXX; Psalm 118:85 LXX; Sirach 7:14, with specific reference to prayer, and 32:9 ..."
Pevarello, Daniele "Criticism of Verbosity in Ancient Philosophical and Early Christian Writings: Jesus’ Critique of the ‘Polylogia’ of Pagan Prayers (Matthew 6:7) in its Graeco-Roman Context" in Petersen, Anders Kloste (p. 247) Brill, 2017