1 Enoch 97:8


6 And all the words of your unrighteousness shall be read out before the Great Holy One, and your faces shall be covered with shame, and He will reject every work that is grounded on unrighteousness. 7 Woe to you, sinners, who live on the mid ocean and on dry land, whose remembrance is evil against you. 8 Woe to you who acquire silver and gold in unrighteousness and say: 'We have become rich with wealth and have possessions; and have acquired everything we have desired.' 9 And now let us do what we purposed: for we have gathered silver, 10 And many are the husbandmen in our houses. 11 And our granaries are brimming full as with water, 12 Yet like water, your lies shall flow away; for your wealth shall not remain but will quickly depart from you; for you have acquired it all in unrighteousness, and you shall be subjected to a great curse.

James 4:13

New Testament

11 Do not speak against one another, brothers and sisters. He who speaks against a fellow believer or judges a fellow believer speaks against the law and judges the law. But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but its judge. 12 But there is only one who is lawgiver and judge—the one who is able to save and destroy. On the other hand, who are you to judge your neighbor? 13 Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go into this or that town and spend a year there and do business and make a profit.” 14 You do not know about tomorrow. What is your life like? For you are a puff of smoke that appears for a short time and then vanishes. 15 You ought to say instead, “If the Lord is willing, then we will live and do this or that.” 16 But as it is, you boast about your arrogant plans. All such boasting is evil. 17 So whoever knows what is good to do and does not do it is guilty of sin.

 Notes and References
"... This examination of the Epistle of James shows a writing emerging from the world of early Christianity that is home to wisdom, prophetic, apocalyptic and eschatological traditions. James challenges scholarship to discard the focus upon 'pure' traditions as a confusion that does not do justice to the evidence. Classifications such as apocalyptic, eschatological, wisdom, prophetic are heuristic tools that remain such: tools to enter into the reality of the past: they do not become the reality itself. To try to classify a writing into solely one category produces a distortion of the evidence. James is in fact a hybrid, which brings many different traditions together, as did 1 Enoch (92-105), and as such provides a possible example for the way other traditions operated in the New Testament world. James brought the traditions together in one way, 1 Enoch in another. The world of the New Testament knows of another writing, the earliest source behind the Gospels, 'Q', which bears many similarities to the Epistle of James. It, too, is a hybrid, composed of wisdom, eschatological, prophetical and apocalyptic material. As with James, the wisdom tradition functions as the dominant tradition bringing the others together (Hartin 1991:78-80). The challenge that both James and 1 Enoch (92-105) would pose to the study of 'Q' is to view these traditions as existing and developing together. The traditions of wisdom, eschatology and apocalyptic are not to be seen in opposition, but as James and Enoch show, they exist in a relationship as part of the world heritage to which they belong ..."

Hartin, Patrick J Who is Wise and Understanding Among You An Analysis of Wisdom, Eschatology, and Apocalypticism in the Epistle of James (pp. 969-999) HTS Theological Studies 53/4, 1997

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