New Testament / Matthew / 5
- Matthew 5:3 / Sotah 5b
- Matthew 5:3 / Sirach 25:8
- Matthew 5:3 / 1QH
- Matthew 5:3 / Pirkei Avot 4:10
- Matthew 5:3 / Isaiah 61:1
- Matthew 5:4 / Sirach 48:24
- Matthew 5:5 / Sifre Numbers 42
- Matthew 5:5 / Psalm 37:11
- Matthew 5:5 / Pirkei Avot 5:19
- Matthew 5:5 / 1 Enoch 5:7
- Matthew 5:5 / LXX Psalm 36:11
- Matthew 5:6 / Jonathan Isaiah 32:6
- Matthew 5:7 / Shabbat 151b
- Matthew 5:7 / Tosefta Bava Kamma 9
- Matthew 5:7 / Psalm 18:25
- Matthew 5:7 / James 2:13
- Matthew 5:8 / Pirkei Avot 2:9
- Matthew 5:8 / Psalm 24:3
- Matthew 5:8 / 4Q525 2
- Matthew 5:9 / Mishnah Peah 1
- Matthew 5:9 / Pirkei Avot 1:12
- Matthew 5:9 / Psalm 34:15
- Matthew 5:9 / 2 Enoch 52:11
- Matthew 5:10 / Bava Kamma 93a
- Matthew 5:10 / Testament of Judah 25:4
- Matthew 5:12 / Jonathan Isaiah 28:11
- Matthew 5:13 / Bekhorot 8b
- Matthew 5:14 / Bava Batra 4a
- Matthew 5:14 / Proverbs 6:23
- Matthew 5:15 / Sifre Numbers 93
- Matthew 5:16 / 1QH 14
- Matthew 5:16 / Pirkei Avot 2:12
- Matthew 5:16 / 1 Peter 2:12
- Matthew 5:17 / Pirkei Avot 4:9
- Matthew 5:17 / Shabbat 116b
- Matthew 5:18 / Baruch 4:1
- Matthew 5:18 / Sanhedrin 107a
- Matthew 5:18 / Genesis Rabbah 10
- Matthew 5:18 / Exodus Rabbah 6:1
- Matthew 5:21 / Bava Metzia 58b
- Matthew 5:22 / Bava Metzia 59a
- Matthew 5:22 / Neofiti Genesis 9:6
- Matthew 5:22 / Taanit 20b
- Matthew 5:22 / Sanhedrin 100a
- Matthew 5:22 / 1QS 7:2
- Matthew 5:24 / Mishnah Yoma 8:9
- Matthew 5:28 / Kallah 2
- Matthew 5:28 / Niddah 13b
- Matthew 5:28 / Sirach 9:8
- Matthew 5:28 / Leviticus Rabbah 12
- Matthew 5:28 / Proverbs 6:25
- Matthew 5:30 / Bava Metzia 59a
- Matthew 5:31 / Deuteronomy 24:1
- Matthew 5:32 / Mishnah Nedarim 11
- Matthew 5:33 / Numbers 30:2
- Matthew 5:34 / Nedarim 77b
- Matthew 5:34 / Philo The Decalogue 84
- Matthew 5:34 / 2 Enoch 49:3
- Matthew 5:34 / Ecclesiastes 5:4
- Matthew 5:37 / Bava Metzia 49a
- Matthew 5:37 / Philo The Special Laws 2.5
- Matthew 5:37 / Shevuot 36a
- Matthew 5:37 / Ruth Rabbah 7
- Matthew 5:38 / Leviticus 24:20
- Matthew 5:39 / 2 Enoch 50:4
- Matthew 5:39 / Lamentations 3:30
- Matthew 5:39 / Didache 1:4
- Matthew 5:42 / Sirach 4:4
- Matthew 5:43 / Shabbat 88b
- Matthew 5:43 / Gittin 36b
- Matthew 5:43 / 1QS 1
- Matthew 5:43 / Yoma 23a
- Matthew 5:43 / Leviticus 19:18 / Letter of Aristeas
- Matthew 5:44 / Psalm 139:20
- Matthew 5:44 / Proverbs 25:21
- Matthew 5:45 / Taanit 7a
- Matthew 5:45 / Ecclesiastes 9:2
- Matthew 5:45 / Job 37:11
- Matthew 5:45 / Sirach 4:10
- Matthew 5:47 / Pirkei Avot 1:15
- Matthew 5:47 / Berakhot 17a
- Matthew 5:48 / Shabbat 133b
- Matthew 5:48 / Pseudo Jonathan Leviticus 22:28
Date: 70-90 C.E.
Matthew is the traditional name given to one of the three synoptic Gospels describing the birth, ministry, passion, death and resurrection of Jesus and is notable for five long discourses, or sermons, woven throughout the narrative. Matthew was likely a Jewish-Christian who spoke Greek and who was also familiar with Aramaic and/or Hebrew. Details of Matthew's gospel are often drawn from Mark's Gospel and also a likely separate collection of sayings of Jesus. Matthew's Gospel was likely written in or around the area of Antioch.