Wisdom of Solomon 9:9


8 You have given command to build a temple on your holy mountain, and an altar in the city of your habitation, a copy of the holy tent that you prepared from the beginning. 9 With you is wisdom, she who knows your works and was present when you made the world; she understands what is pleasing in your sight and what is right according to your commandments. 10 Send her forth from the holy heavens, and from the throne of your glory send her, that she may labor at my side, and that I may learn what is pleasing to you.

2 Enoch 30:10

Secrets of Enoch

9 And there came evening, and there came morning the sixth day. 10 [Friday]. On the sixth day I commanded my wisdom to create man from seven consistencies, one, his flesh from the earth, two, his blood from the dew, three, his eyes from the sun, four, his bones from stone, five, his intelligence from the swiftness of the angels and from cloud, six, his veins and his hair from the grass of the earth, seven, his soul from my breath and from the wind.

 Notes and References

"... The Adamic tradition in 1QS is very similar to that found in the Slavonic apocalypse. In this respect, it is noteworthy that both in the Treatise on the Two Spirits and 2 Enoch, the Adamic speculations contain references to Adam’s dominion over the creation. Thus, for example, 1QS 3:17 relates that the deity “created man to rule the world.” Compare this passage to 2 Enoch 31:12, in which the deity tells the seventh antediluvian hero about the protoplast’s dominion: "And I assigned him to be a king, to reign on the earth, and to have my wisdom." Note that both testimonies about the protoplast’s dominion are given right before the association of the protoplast with the two ways tradition. If the Adamic allusions were indeed present in the early form of the tradition standing behind the speculation found in 1QS, then it is possible that 2 Enoch, with its more transparent presentation of the protoplast’s tradition, might stand even closer to this original makeup. Another similarity between 1QS and 2 Enoch concerns the tendency for internalization of the two way tradition. Scholars have noted that in 1QS the “two ways” became not simply the humankind’s ethical options but the inclinations of the human heart. In 1QS 4:23, for instance, the two spirits fight their battle in the heart of man. Scholars have suggested that in the Treatise on the Two Spirits the “myth of cosmic conflict has been psychologized, by locating the conflict in the human heart.” Similar “internalization” seems to take place in the Slavonic apocalypse as well. In particular, 2 Enoch 30:10 ..."

Orlov, Andrei Paths of Light and Darkness: The Two Ways Tradition in the Treatise on the Two Spirits and 2 Enoch (pp. 1-16) Marquette University, 2011

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