Neofiti Genesis 25:23


22 And the children pushed one another in her womb and she said: “If such is the tribulation" of children, why, now, do I have children?” And she went to the school of Shem the Great to beseech mercy from before the Lord. 23 And the Lord said to her: “Two peoples are in your womb, and two kingdoms from your womb will be separated; and one kingdom will be stronger than the other kingdom, and the greater will serve before the smaller. 24 And her days were completed to bring forth, and behold there were twins within her womb.

Avodah Zarah 2b

Babylonian Talmud

with their scholars, as it is stated: “And let the peoples [le’umim] be assembled” (Isaiah 43:9); and the term le’om means nothing other than kingdom, as it is stated: “And the one kingdom [ule’om] shall be stronger than the other kingdom [mile’om]” (Genesis 25:23). The Gemara asks: But is it possible for there to be intermingling before the Holy One, Blessed be He, that it should be necessary for each nation to stand and be addressed separately? Rather, the nations are instructed to stand separately so that they will not become intermingled with each other in order that they will each hear what He says to them.

 Notes and References

"... The Babylonian Talmud at Avodah Zarah 2b has a discussion about interpreting Isaiah 43:9. To explicate one of the words, Rabbi Hanina turns to the Aramaic translation of that word in Genesis 25:23. Line C cites the Hebrew text of Genesis 25:23, “and one people will be stronger than the other people.” When we examine the Targums to this passage, we discover that Neofiti and Onqelos both have the same translation, “and one nation will be stronger than the other nation.” Both Targums use the word “kingdom,” as a translation of the Hebrew, as indicated in the Babylonian Talmud. Pseudo-Jonathan renders the rest of the phrase differently. For these four Scripture verses, Targum Neofiti and Targum Onqelos are the same, giving an exact parallel to the word or phrase cited in the Babylonian Talmud as the Aramaic translation of a Hebrew word from the Torah. So far then, there is no indication whether the Bavli's rabbis were reading the Palestinian Targum or Targum Onqelos ..."

Flesher, Paul V. M. & Chilton, Bruce The Targums: A Critical Introduction (p. 145) Brill, 2011

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