1 Enoch 106:9


8 Now, my father, I am here to petition you and beg you to go to Enoch, our father, and learn from him the truth, for his dwelling place is among the angels.' 9 When Methuselah heard the words of his son, he came to me at the ends of the earth; for he had heard that I was there, and he cried aloud, and I heard his voice and came to him. 10 He answered and said: 'Because of a great cause of anxiety have I come to thee, and because of a disturbing vision have I approached.

1Q20 2

Genesis Apocryphon
Dead Sea Scrolls

Then I, Lamech, ran to Methuselah my father, and [I told] him all these things. [And I asked him to go to Enoch] his father for he would surely learn all things from him. For he was beloved, and he shared the lot [of the angels], who taught him all things. And when Methuselah heard [my words... he went to] Enoch his father to learn all things truthfully from him ... his will. He went at once to Parwain and he found him there... [and] he said to Enoch his father, ‘O my father, O my lord, to whom I... And I say to you, lest you be angry with me because I come here...

 Notes and References
"... The opening of 1Q20 ii 19 is reminiscent of 1 Enoch 106:4 cited in section C.1 above. In addition, both texts have Lamech petition Methuselah to ask Enoch for a true interpretation of the matter. As 106:4–7 shows, in the Birth of Noah the conversation between Lamech and Methuselah is more developed; in addition, unlike the Genesis Apocryphon, Lamech relays a description of Noah’s appearance to Methuselah. As this repetition forms part of the strategy of the author of the Birth of Noah, and since the absence of it in 1Q20 is hard to explain as an omission of such material, it is likely that this part of the Genesis Apocryphon account retains the tradition in an earlier form. More elaborate in Genesis Apocryphon, however, are the credentials ascribed to Enoch. 1 Enoch 106:7 has Lamech petition and declare to his father ... The text says nothing more about Enoch other than that his abode is with the angels, leaving readers to infer that for this reason he would be ideally positioned to know something (from them) about the significance of the child. This inference is spelt out more fully in 1Q20, which has Lamech declare, in indirect speech, that the angels act as Enoch’s informants ..."

Stuckenbruck, Loren T. The Myth of Rebellious Angels: Studies in Second Temple Judaism and New Testament Texts (p. 70) Mohr Siebeck, 2014

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