1 Enoch 10:4


3 And now instruct him so that he may escape and his descendants may be preserved for all future generations.' 4 And the Lord also said to Raphael: 'Bind Azâzal hand and foot, and cast him into the darkness: make a hole in the desert in Dûdâel, and throw him in. 5 Place upon him rough and jagged rocks, cover him with darkness, and let him remain there forever, and cover his face so he may not see light. 6 On the day of great judgment he shall be thrown into the fire. And restore the earth which the angels have corrupted, and announce the restoration of the earth, so that the plague may be healed, and all the children of men may not perish due to the secrets that the Watchers have revealed and taught their children.'

Clement of Alexandria Fragments 2:4


Woe unto them! he says, for they have gone in the way of Cain. For so also we lie under Adam's sin through similarity of sin. Clouds, he says, without water; who do not possess in themselves the divine and fruitful word. Wherefore, he says, men of this kind are carried about both by winds and violent blasts. Trees, he says, of autumn, without fruit,— unbelievers, that is, who bear no fruit of fidelity. Twice dead, he says: once, namely, when they sinned by transgressing, and a second time when delivered up to punishment, according to the predestined judgments of God; inasmuch as it is to be reckoned death, even when each one does not immediately deserve the inheritance. Waves, he says, of a raging sea. By these words he signifies the life of the Gentiles, whose end is abominable ambition. Wandering stars,— that is, he means those who err and are apostates are of that kind of stars which fell from the seats of the angels— to whom, for their apostasy, the blackness of darkness is reserved forever. Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, he says, prophesied of these. In these words he verities the prophecy. Those, he says, separating the faithful from the unfaithful, be convicted according to their own unbelief. And again those separating from the flesh. He says, Animal not having the spirit; that is, the spirit which is by faith, which supervenes through the practice of righteousness.

 Notes and References
"... There is then the evidence from patristic literature. The Epistle of Barnabas, likely an early second century document, directly quotes 1 Enoch 89:56 as Scripture in the 16th chapter, and refers to Enoch as a prophet in the 4th chapter. Justin Martyr (Second Apology 5), Athenagoras (Plea for the Christians 24), Irenaeus (Against Heresies 1.15.6, 4.16.2, 4.36.4), and Clement of Alexandria (Stromata, Selections from the Prophets 2.1, 53.4), all mid-to-late second century authors, talk about Enoch in terms of information revealed not only in Genesis but also 1 Enoch, and at times refer to characters within 1 Enoch. Yet perhaps the most interesting witness comes from Tertullian in the early third century (On the Apparel of Women, 3.1-3) ..."

Longhenry, Ethan R. The 1 Enoch Conundrum (pp. 1-5) University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2016

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