Joshua 24:2
1 Joshua assembled all the Israelite tribes at Shechem. He summoned Israel’s elders, rulers, judges, and leaders, and they appeared before God. 2 Joshua told all the people, “This is what the Lord God of Israel has said: ‘In the distant past your ancestors lived beyond the Euphrates River, including Terah the father of Abraham and Nahor. They worshiped other gods, 3 but I took your father Abraham from beyond the Euphrates and brought him into the entire land of Canaan. I made his descendants numerous; I gave him Isaac,
Jubilees 12:2
1 During the sixth week, in its seventh year [1904], Abram said to his father Terah: ‘My father’. He said: ‘Yes, my son’? 2 He said: ‘What help and advantage do we get from these idols before which you worship and prostrate yourself?’ 3 ‘For there is no spirit in them because they are dumb. They are an error of the mind. Do not worship them.’ 4 ‘Worship the God of heaven who makes the rain and dew fall on the earth and makes everything on the earth. He created everything by his word; and all life comes from his presence.’
Notes and References
"... This section derives from an old midrashic motif, ultimately based on a brief passage in the book of Joshua. If, according to Joshua 24:2, Terah and his sons Abraham and Nahor “worshiped other gods” when they lived in Mesopotamia, why does God say in the next verse, “So I took Abraham …”? Interpreters concluded that Abraham must at some point have rebelled against the beliefs of his father and brother and began to worship the one true God. Out of this developed the story recounted here and numerous other texts, according to which Terah was an idolator, indeed, a maker of idols and/or a priest of idolatry ..."
Kugel, James L. A Walk through Jubilees: Studies in the Book of Jubilees and the World of Its Creation (p. 88) Brill, 2012