Leviticus 16:27

Hebrew Bible

27 The bull of the sin offering and the goat of the sin offering, whose blood was brought to make atonement in the Holy Place, must be brought outside the camp and their hide, their flesh, and their dung must be burned up, 28 and the one who burns them must wash his clothes and bathe his body in water, and afterward he may reenter the camp. 29This is to be a perpetual statute for you. In the seventh month, on the tenth day of the month, you must humble yourselves and do no work of any kind, both the native citizen and the resident foreigner who lives in your midst, 30 for on this day atonement is to be made for you to cleanse you from all your sins; you must be clean before the Lord. 31 It is to be a Sabbath of complete rest for you, and you must humble yourselves. It is a perpetual statute.

Jubilees 34:18


17 He continued mourning Joseph for one year and was not comforted but said: ‘May I go down to the grave mourning for my son.’ 18 For this reason, it has been ordained regarding the Israelites that they should be distressed on the tenth of the seventh month — on the day when the news which made him lament Joseph reached his father Jacob — in order to make atonement for themselves on it with a kid — on the tenth of the seventh month, once a year — for their sins. For they had saddened their father’s feelings of affection for his son Joseph. 19 This day has been ordained so that they may be saddened on it for their sins, all their transgressions, and all their errors; so that they may purify themselves on this day once a year.

 Notes and References
"... The Day of Atonement, Jubilees relates, came about because of the false report that Jacob's sons gave to him, to the effect that Joseph had been killed by a wild beast. Jacob 'lamented all night and all the next day,' which happened to be on the tenth day of the seventh month; as a result, it was decreed in the Torah that 'the Israelites ... should be distressed on the tenth of the seventh month ... in order to make atonement [for their sins]' (Jubilees 34:18). Once again, here was a practice inaugurated by a patriarch on his own initiative (and based on what turned out to be a lie!) that later came to be a divinely commanded holy day. The author's purpose in saying these things was clear. They were another way of undercutting the uniqueness of the Sinai revelation. Things really did not begin at Sinai, but with Israel's ancestors—especially Noah, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. God had established his earliest covenants with them—with them and their descendants, that is, with us, the Jews of Jubilees' own day ..."

Kugel, James L. A Walk through Jubilees: Studies in the Book of Jubilees and the World of Its Creation (p. 8) Brill, 2012

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