Genesis 32:4

Hebrew Bible

1 So Jacob went on his way and the angels of God met him. 2 When Jacob saw them, he exclaimed, “This is the camp of God!” So he named that place Mahanaim. 3 Jacob sent messengers on ahead to his brother Esau in the land of Seir, the region of Edom. 4 He commanded them, “This is what you must say to my lord Esau: ‘This is what your servant Jacob says: I have been staying with Laban until now.

Numbers 20:14

Hebrew Bible

13 These are the waters of Meribah, because the Israelites contended with the Lord, and his holiness was maintained among them. 14 Moses sent messengers from Kadesh to the king of Edom: “Thus says your brother Israel: ‘You know all the hardships we have experienced, 15 how our ancestors went down into Egypt, and we lived in Egypt a long time, and the Egyptians treated us and our ancestors badly.

 Notes and References
"... Just as Jacob “sent messengers” to Esau in J (Genesis 32:4), Moses “sent messengers” to Edom, who are the descendants of Esau ..."

Friedman, Richard Elliott The Bible with Sources Revealed: A New View Into the Five Books of Moses (p. 276) Harper San Francisco, 2005

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