Jubilees 36:4


3 ‘This is what I am ordering you, my sons: that you do what is right and just on the earth so that the Lord may bring on you everything which the Lord said that he would do for Abraham and his descendants.’ 4 ‘Practice brotherly love among yourselves, my sons, like a man who loves himself, with each one aiming at doing what is good for his brother and at doing things together on the earth. May they love one another as themselves.’ 5 ‘Regarding the matter of idols, I am instructing you to reject them, to be an enemy of them, and not to love them because they are full of errors for those who worship them and who bow to them.’

Didache 2:7


5 Your words shall not be false or meaningless but followed by actions. 6 You shall not be greedy or exploitative, nor a hypocrite, nor evil-minded, nor arrogant, you shall not plan evil against your neighbor. 7 You shall not hate anyone; some you will correct, some you will pray for, and some you will love more than your own life.

 Notes and References
"... the Bible was understood not to outlaw hatred per se, but hidden hatred, and to indicate that the way to prevent such hidden hatred was through open reproach (if only in the judicial sense). But what then of the law found in the very next verse, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself" (Leviticus 19:18)? Did not this commandment go well beyond outlawing hatred, hidden or otherwise, and enjoin people to act lovingly toward one another under any circumstances? The answer depended, of course, on how the words were understood. They might mean, to be sure: You shall love your neighbor in the same way that you love yourself ... But this was hardly the only possible sense for ancient interpreters, perhaps not even the most likely ..."

Kugel, James L. The Bible as it Was (p. 455) Harvard University Press, 1998

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