1 Enoch 53:3


2 They commit unlawful acts, and the sinners consume all they oppress unlawfully: yet, sinners will be destroyed from the presence of the Lord of Spirits, expelled from His earth, and they will be gone forever. 3 I saw all the angels of punishment waiting there, preparing all the instruments of Satan. 4 I asked the angel of peace who accompanied me, 'For whom are they preparing these instruments?' 5 He replied, 'They are preparing these for the kings and the powerful of this earth, that they may be destroyed through them.'

2 Enoch 42:1

Secrets of Enoch

1 I saw the key-holders and guards of hell's gates, standing like great serpents, with faces like extinguished lamps, fiery eyes, and sharp teeth. I observed all the Lord's works, recognizing their righteousness, while human works vary, some good and others bad. Through their deeds, those who act wickedly are known.

 Notes and References
"... Why would theriomorphic creatures, probably demons, be situated in heaven? Their theriomorphic appearance may be connected with the function of the celestial afterworld doorkeepers and probably “angels of punishment” (1 Enoch 53:3; compare “spirits of retribution” of Testament of Levi 3:2, etc.). This understanding would better correspond to the second account of the Builders, where they have the “appearance of dogs” (3:3). The guarding of the Gates of the afterworld by beasts is a common motif; compare, e.g., in Greek and Roman traditions: Cerberus, Eurynomos of Pausanias (10.28.7), beasts and snakes (Aristophanes, The Frogs 143; 278), Hydra (Virgil, Aeneid 6.560; compare Ovid, Metamorphosis 4.451–52 and passim). See also the serpent-like gate keepers of Hades in 2 Enoch 42:1; etc. Although normally the netherworld is meant, in 3 Baruch Hades is located in heaven. According to Testament of Isaac 5:8 in the beginning of his heavenly tour the patriarch sees creatures whose “faces were like faces of camels and some were like the faces of dogs; others were like the faces of lions and hyenas and tigers.” ..."

Kulik, Alexander How the Devil Got His Hooves and Horns: The Origin of the Motif and the Implied Demonology of 3 Baruch (pp. 195-229) Brill, 2013

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