1 Enoch 41:3


2 There, I saw the dwellings of the chosen and the holy, and my eyes beheld all the sinners being expelled, those who deny the name of the Lord of Spirits, dragged away, unable to endure the punishment from the Lord of Spirits. 3 My eyes also saw the mysteries of lightning and thunder, and the secrets of the winds, how they are distributed to blow across the earth, and the mysteries of the clouds and dew, observing where they originate and how they moisten the dusty earth. 4 I saw hidden chambers from which the winds are dispersed, the chamber for hail and winds, the chamber for mist, and of the clouds, with the cloud above floating over the earth since the beginning of time.

2 Enoch 5:1

Secrets of Enoch

1 Here I looked down and saw the storage places of the snow, and the angels who guard these formidable repositories, as well as the clouds from which they emerge and into which they return.

 Notes and References
"... Meteorological and cosmological language is found at several key points in the text of the Parables of Enoch, with notably dense accounts in the first and third parables, located in chapters 41/43 and 60/69 respectively. In 2 Enoch, the material is distributed more widely, though with a number of particularly dense clusters built into the structure of the book; the meteorological imagery that we will consider here is located in 2 Enoch 5–6 and 40, and the cosmological or astronomical material is found in 11–16, 30 and 48 ..."

Macaskill, Grant Meteorology and Metrology: Evaluating Parallels in the Ethiopic Parables of Enoch and 2 (Slavonic) Enoch (pp. 79-99) Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha, Vol. 29, No. 2, 2019

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