1 Enoch 7:2


1 And all the others them took wives for themselves, each choosing one for himself, and they began to unite with them and defiled themselves with them. They taught them sorcery, spells, and the art of extracting medicinal substances from plants. 2 The women became pregnant and gave birth to enormous giants, whose height was three thousand ells. 3 These giants consumed everything humans produced. And when humans could no longer support them, 4 the giants turned against them and devoured mankind.

Jubilees 7:22


21 For it was on account of these three things that the flood was on the earth, since it was due to fornication that the Watchers had illicit intercourse — apart from the mandate of their authority — with women. When they married of them whomever they chose, they committed the first acts of uncleanness. 22 They fathered as their sons the Nephilim. They were all dissimilar from one another and would devour one another: the giant killed the Naphil; the Naphil killed the Elyo; the Elyo mankind; and people their fellows. 23 When everyone sold himself to commit injustice and to shed innocent blood, the earth was filled with injustice. 24 After them all the animals, birds, and whatever moves about and whatever walks on the earth. Much blood was shed on the earth. All the thoughts and wishes of mankind were devoted to thinking up what was useless and wicked all the time.

 Notes and References
"... August Dillmann argued that Jubilees is dependent on 1 Enoch, although his dating of 1 Enoch to the first Century BCE led him to date Jubilees incorrectly to the first Century CE. VanderKam has maintained that Jubilees 4:16–25, and 7:22 indicate that the author had some sort of knowledge of the Enochic books. The comparison with the Book of Dreams (1 Enoch 83–90) is the most vital given the other points of reference for dating argued above. If the author was acquainted with the Book of Dreams, either in its present form or in a hypothetical earlier form, then the terminus post quem is either 172 (hypothetical earlier form) or 164 BCE. This view has been challenged by Jacques van Ruiten, who argues that no verbal parallels between Jubilees 4:16–25 and the Book of Dreams are to be found, although few more vague parallels can be discerned. Moreover Jubilees 7:22 is according to van Ruiten closer to the Book of Watchers (1 Enoch 7:2). According to him, the thematic parallels are best explained by common traditions behind the Enochic books and Jubilees. Thus, one should not use the Book of Dreams in dating Jubilees, since there is too little evidence to show that Jubilees was dependent on the text of Book of Dreams ..."

Tanskanen, Topias K. E. Jacob, the Torah, and the Abrahamic Promise: Studies on the Use and Interpretation of the Jacob Story in the Book of Jubilees (p. 31) Åbo Akademi University, 2023

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