Jubilees 23:29


27 The days will begin to become numerous and increase, and mankind as well — generation by generation and day by day until their lifetimes approach 1000 years and to more years than the number of days had been. 28 There will be no old man, nor anyone who has lived out his lifetime, because all of them will be infants and children. 29 They will complete and live their entire lifetimes peacefully and joyfully. There will be neither a satan nor any evil one who will destroy. For their entire lifetimes will be times of blessing and healing. 30 Then the Lord will heal his servants. They will rise and see great peace. He will expel his enemies. The righteous will see this, offer praise, and be very happy forever and ever. They will see all their punishments and curses on their enemies.

1 Enoch 5:9


7 And all the righteous will rejoice, and there will be forgiveness of sins, and every kind of mercy and peace and tolerance: There will be salvation for them, a splendid light. And for you sinners, there will be no salvation, but a curse will remain on you all. 8 And for you, the godless, there will be a curse. 9 But for the chosen, there will be light, joy, and peace, and they shall inherit the earth. 10 And then wisdom will be granted to the chosen, and they will all live and never sin again, neither through ungodliness nor through pride; but those who are wise will be humble.

 Notes and References
"... As we have seen, the reason for the world being out of joint is in many instances human sin. There is a solidarity between humanity and the natural world, and human sin profoundly affects the creation. Consequently, cosmic transformation or new creation requires human transformation. This is reflected in a number of the texts (1 Enoch 5:4-10, Jubilees 23:26-31, 4 Ezra 6:25-28, 2 Baruch 73:1-7). The most common feature of the apocalypses is the vision of the imminent judgment of the wicked and the world. This judgment is often described in terms reminiscent of the flood story in Genesis (1 Enoch 10:16-11:2; 107:1-3, LAE 49:3, LAB 3:10). The imagery most commonly applies to the description of the high degree of wickedness in the end time similar to that at the time of the flood. Sometimes, however, the flood serves as a type of new creation or renewal of the world. In these passages, the flood not only functions as a judgment but also brings renewal and the cleansing of the world ... The renewal of the world involves the absence of evil and suffering, brings about healing and entails fertility and nutritional abundance. The absence of evil involves a conquering of the evil forces in the world. This aspect is especially important in Jubilees, where Satan and demons lead people astray and persuade them to sin (Jubilees 10:1-5; 11:4-5, 7-8; 15:31-32; 48:9-12, 15-18). They also cause physical illness (Jubilees 10:11-12). It is therefore an important point in the eschatological vision of Jubilee that “there will be no Satan and no evil one” (Jubilees 23:29) ..."

Holmgaard, Christian On Earth as it is in Heaven: New Creation in Matthew’s Gospel (pp. 83-84) Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2018

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