Jubilees 4:19


18 He was the first to write a testimony. He testified to mankind in the generations of the earth: The weeks of the jubilees he related, and made known the days of the years; the months he arranged, and related the sabbaths of the years, as we had told him. 19 While he slept he saw in a vision what has happened and what will occur — how things will happen for mankind during their history until the day of judgment. He saw everything and understood. He wrote a testimony for himself and placed it upon the earth against all mankind and for their history. 20 During the twelfth jubilee, in its seventh week [582-88] he took a wife for himself. Her name was Edni, the daughter of Daniel, the daughter of his father's brother. In the sixth year of this week [587] she gave birth to a son for him, and he named him Methuselah. 21 He was, moreover, with God's angels for six jubilees of years. They showed him everything on earth and in the heavens — the dominion of the sun — and he wrote down everything.

Sirach 44:16

Ben Sira, Ecclesiasticus

14 Their bodies are buried in peace, but their name lives on generation after generation. 15 The assembly declares their wisdom, and the congregation proclaims their praise. 16 Enoch pleased the Lord and was taken up, an example of repentance to all generations. 17 Noah was found perfect and righteous; in the time of wrath he kept the race alive; therefore a remnant was left on the earth when the flood came. 18 Everlasting covenants were made with him that all flesh should never again be blotted out by a flood.

 Notes and References
"... As with Enoch’s mediation in knowledge, which was carried out through distinctive written materials (tablets/books and petitions), the mediation of divine judgment again is executed through the written medium: Enoch’s testimony, depicted as a writing placed on the earth. This latter feature may indicate that this written evidence, just like some of Enoch’s other records, also bridged the boundaries between the heavenly and celestial realms. One must note that Enoch’s role as the witness of the divine judgment is rooted in his extraordinary personal situation: he was able to become a righteous person in the generation prominent for its iniquities. This is why according to the Greek text of Sirach 44:16, Enoch is predestined to serve as the 'sign of repentance for the generations'. This unique destiny also makes him the witness of the divine judgment at the time of the final condemnation ..."

Orlov, Andrei 'The Learned Savant Who Guards the Secrets of the Great Gods': Evolution of the Roles and Titles of the Seventh Antediluvian Hero in Mesopotamian and Enochic Traditions: Part II: Enochic Traditions (pp. 165-213) Gorgias Press, 2009

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