Deuteronomy 22:30

Hebrew Bible

28 Suppose a man comes across a virgin who is not engaged and takes hold of her and sleeps with her and they are discovered. 29 The man who has slept with her must pay her father 50 shekels of silver and she must become his wife. Because he has humiliated her, he may never divorce her as long as he lives. 30 (23:1) A man may not marry his father’s former wife and in this way uncover his father's cloak.57

Ruth 3:9

Hebrew Bible

7 When Boaz had finished his meal and was feeling satisfied, he lay down to sleep at the far end of the grain heap. Then Ruth crept up quietly, uncovered his legs, and lay down beside him. 8 In the middle of the night he was startled and turned over. Now he saw a woman lying beside him! 9 He said, “Who are you?” She replied, “I am Ruth, your servant. Spread your cloak over your servant,32 for you are a guardian of the family interests.” 10 He said, “May you be rewarded by the Lord, my dear! This act of devotion is greater than what you did before. For you have not sought to marry one of the young men, whether rich or poor. 11 Now, my dear, don’t worry! I intend to do for you everything you propose, for everyone at the town gate42 knows that you are a woman of noble character.43

 Notes and References
"... Since the suggestion was first made by E. Pococke, the majority of modern interpreters have understood 'his garments' as a reference to a wife. Several arguments have been offered in support. Perhaps least convincing is the frequent appeal to the Qur'an 2:187, which is offered as an extrabiblical example where 'garment' appears as a poetic reference to one's wife: '... They (your wives) are a covering to you, and you are a covering to them.' The use of 'garment,' however, whether as a metaphor (as in the Qur'an) or as a designation, is hardly customary as a reference to a wife, being attested nowhere else in Arabic literature or Biblical Hebrew. A second argument in favour of recognizing 'his garments' as a reference to a wife is the intimate proximity of clothes to the wearer, which suggests to some its aptness as a metaphor for a wife in relation to her husband. The final, and perhaps strongest argument for interpreting 'his garments' as a reference to a wife is the practice of obtaining a wife by means of covering her with a garment (Deuteronomy 22:30, Ruth 3:9, Ezekiel 16:8). Based on this association with a marriage rite, 'his garments' is used in a transferred sense to refer to the wife ..."

Hugenberger, Gordon Paul Marriage as a Covenant: A Study of Biblical Law and Ethics Governing Marriage Developed from the Perspective of Malachi (p. 74) The College of St. Paul and St. Mary, 1991

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