Exodus 15:8

Hebrew Bible

6 Your right hand, O Lord, was majestic in power; your right hand, O Lord, shattered the enemy. 7 In the abundance of your majesty you have overthrown those who rise up against you. You sent forth your wrath; it consumed them like stubble. 8 By the blast of your nostrils the waters were piled up, the flowing water stood upright like a heap, and the deep waters were solidified in the heart of the sea. 9 The enemy said, ‘I will chase, I will overtake, I will divide the spoil; my desire will be satisfied on them. I will draw my sword, my hand will destroy them.’ 10 But you blew with your breath, and the sea covered them. They sank like lead in the mighty waters.

Joshua 3:13

Hebrew Bible

11 Look! The ark of the covenant of the Lord of the whole earth is ready to enter the Jordan ahead of you. 12 Now select for yourselves 12 men from the tribes of Israel, one per tribe. 13 When the feet of the priests carrying the ark of the Lord, the Lord of the whole earth, touch the water of the Jordan, the water coming downstream toward you will stop flowing and pile up. 14 So when the people left their tents to cross the Jordan, the priests carrying the ark of the covenant went ahead of them. 15 When the ones carrying the ark reached the Jordan, and the feet of the priests carrying the ark touched the surface of the water—(the Jordan is at flood stage all during harvest time)—

 Notes and References
"... We have yet to consider the authorship of the Song of the Sea (15:1-18), the Song of Miriam (15:21) and their narrative frame (15:1, 19-21). I am unpersuaded that 15:1-18 itself is composite. Brenner makes a convincing case for the Song's unity. Most scholars consider the Song an older independent work incorporated by one of the Pentateuchal authors or editors, rather than a fresh composition. Assuming the Song once circulated independently, we must ask when it was inserted into the prose account and by whom. Apparently, it already stood in JE. Deuteronomy 2-3, which knows JE, but not JEP, seems familiar with the Song: compare Deuteronomy 2:25 with Exodus 15:14, and Deuteronomy 3:24 with Exodus 15:11, 16. Similarly, Joshua 2:9-10, 24 knows both the liquidation of the Canaanites and the drying of the Sea, themes from the Song and JE, respectively, but not P's split Sea. And Joshua 3:13, 16 describe the Jordan's waters as standing in a 'heap' (compare Exodus 15:8), while Joshua 4:23-5:1 knows the drying of the Sea, Yahweh's arm, the liquidation of the Canaanites and their fear before Yahweh. All these data indicate that, by the time of the Deuteronomist's composition, JE contained the Song of the Sea. How did it get there? ..."

Propp, William Henry Exodus 1-18: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary (pp. 481-482) Doubleday, 1999

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