1 Enoch 98:4


3 Therefore, they shall lack teaching and wisdom, and shall perish along with their possessions; and with all their glory and splendor, and in shame, slaughter, and great poverty, their spirits shall be cast into the furnace of fire. 4 I have sworn unto you, sinners, as a mountain has not become a servant, nor a hill the handmaid of a woman, so sin has not been sent upon the earth, but man has created it himself, and those who commit it shall fall under a great curse. 5 And barrenness has not been given to the woman, but because of the deeds of her own hands she dies without children. 6 I have sworn unto you, sinners, by the Holy Great One, that all your evil deeds are revealed in the heavens, and none of your deeds of oppression are concealed or hidden.

Sirach 15:11

Ben Sira, Ecclesiasticus

9 Praise is unseemly on the lips of a sinner, for it has not been sent from the Lord. 10 For in wisdom must praise be uttered, and the Lord will make it prosper. 11 Do not say, "It was the Lord's doing that I fell away"; for he does not do what he hates. 12 Do not say, "It was he who led me astray"; for he has no need of the sinful. 13 The Lord hates all abominations; such things are not loved by those who fear him.

 Notes and References
"... Eve was deceived by the serpent, disobeyed God’s prohibition, and bore the consequences of her own transgression (Gen 3:1-6,13, 16; 1 Enoch 69.4-7; Jubilees 1:38-45; Apocalypse of Moses 15:1; 30:1). The Hebrew Bible never blames her for bringing sin and death into the world. Some rabbis blame her (Sirach 25.24; 2 Baruch 48:42-43; Apocalypse of Moses 10:2; 11.1-3; 14.1-2; 21.5-6; Vita 44.2-4; Genesis Rabbah 17:8; 20:11; 22:2; 28:2) and Adam (2 Baruch 17:3; 23:4; 56:5-6; 4 Ezra 3:20-22, 25, 26; 4:30-31; 7:92, 116-118; Apocalypse of Moses 24:1; 27:2-5; 39:1; Genesis Rabbah 16:6; Exodus Rabbah 30:3; Deuteronomy Rabbah 9:8; Ecclesiastes Rabbah 7:13) for bringing death to the human race, but some blame Satan (1 Enoch 54.6; 69.5; Wisdom of Solomon 2.23; Apoclypse of Moses 21:1-5), the Watchers (1 Enoch 6:1-6; 7:1-6; 15:2-12; 16.1; Jubilees 4:15, 22, 23; 5:1-2, 6-11; CD 2.16-18), and the evil yezer (Sirach 17:30-32; 21:11; 2 Enoch 30:8-16; 2 Baruch 54:15, 19; 56:6; 4 Ezra 3:4-11, 21-27; 4:30; Genesis Rabbah 17:6; b. Shabbat 145b-146a). Nonetheless, they also emphasize human free will and individual responsibility for personal actions (Ezekiel 18; Sirach 15:15, 17; 16:12; 21:27; 27:10; 1 Enoch 16; 98:4; 9:14; Wisdom of Solomon 11:16; 12:15; 16:9; 30:15; 2 Enoch 30:13-16; 2 Baruch 17-19). The theory of original sin or individual hereditary sinfulness derived from Eve (or Adam) cannot be adequately traced or justified in early Judaism ..."

Chan, Sariah Yau-wah 1 Timothy 2.13-15 in the Light of Views Concerning Eve and Childbirth in Early Judaism (pp. 189-195) Dallas Thelogical Seminary, 2006

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